I think that Bruce will do some kind of hocus-pocus on his tour and will make Adrian Smith, Dave Murray and Janick Gers appear on some dates.
Some news sites should think about improving their quality control!
Accurate translation:
"Fans of Iron Maiden can once again look forward to spectacular live performances. The band with its members Bruce Dickinson, Steve Harris, Dave Murray, Janick Gers, Adrian Smith and Nicko McBrain is going on tour with "Bruce Dickinson - The Mandrake Project Live 2024". Find out all the details about the tour dates in the following overview..."
Then the news site I was making fun of would be the only ones who knew that!

No, of course not. It wouldn't even have to be an official member of the band, just a "hired gun". I would be interested to know what the reason for this decision might be....
I think it's just a personal decision by Bruce and Roy. I doubt it's that much of a problem for some other new guitarist to learn a lot of new songs, for which he will be playing mostly rhythm and harmonies.