Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

It's funny how some seem to know the band better than they ever knew themselves.
Some facts:
1) how a person's age is totally different from one person to another no matter if they've followed the exact same path in life,. If it's true how we take care of our health helps, it's not pure science. And sometimes health may decline very very fast no matter how much you've taken care of it...this is why health will never be pure science!
2) playing drums is by far the the most tiring job in a band (having played guitar and drums for year now I can tell...actually its not even necessary to have played them, to know it, its 100% obvious)
3) We're used to a very high level of energy with Maiden in terms of live shows that bands half their age never done. So of course, when you don't see Bruce jumping above the stage monitors as he used to, first thing we think is "how god, how come they don't do it anymore when others bands older than they still do the same as 20-30 years ago...well maybe because they never had the energy the Maiden guys had!" Of course, you take a guy lets say like Ian Hill...he could go on forever since his energy on stage...oh well

Of course, I'd like every band member to have the same energy forever but it's not gonna happen. Of course, maybe there's something that could be done to improve a little bit here and there but lets be honest its not like we're gonna witness the same level of energy they had 10-15 years ago...we have to accept the fact and not try to find every kind of excuse to how they are now and specially how they should handle things becaus WE know their lives better than them...
Now that I know most of us have accepted Bruce doesn't leap over stage monitors like he used to, but it was the coolest stage move I've ever seen.

The quality is atrocious, but just look at how he leaps over that speaker like a boss:

Fucking awesome.
Same here! If I had a DeLorean, defiantly a tour I would revisit now that I know the songs a lot better as opposed to my teenage self during his first time witnessing Iron Maiden:
Great set list. And I live in NJ best concert I’ve ever seen was Yes Masterworks tour at Garden State Arts Center.

I love for letting me look up the details of my younger concert experiences.

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The latest interview with Steve Harris, he said Nicko is doing very well and now Maiden is focused on the current tour. Steve suggests people will know about plans for the next year in the right moment. Now there ist not the proper moment. No plans for 2025?!
Bruce said earlier this year that the IM has everything planned until 2025 or 2026 (cant remember exactly).
The latest interview with Steve Harris, he said Nicko is doing very well and now Maiden is focused on the current tour. Steve suggests people will know about plans for the next year in the right moment. Now there ist not the proper moment. No plans for 2025?!
Glad to hear that about Nicko. Steve obviously didn't want to talk about next year's plans. I mean, Bruce said they have plans until 2026, maybe not beyond that for now, but we know Maiden are working a couple of years ahead.

''(Laughs) Well, we’re not sure what we’re doing yet. We’re concentrating on this year, and we’ll get through this one first. Then we’ll worry about next year when it comes. But I’m sure there will be something, and we’ll let everyone know when we decide.''

...yep. All these expected mystery from Maiden not for an album but for a tour should lead to something special (not only the documentary), but I think that's just their way of doing things, always has been.
I would love to hear Murders… as an opener again.
I wonder if Be Quick Or Be Dead has a chance?