Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

Wacken is asking fans who were there this year who we would like to see as headliner next year in a survey. Next year, not sometime in the future.
I wrote Iron Maiden, as a matter of principle.
So the insistence that all Wacken headliners have been announced already is wrong.
Surely if they are announced as headliners, this will extinguish any possible 3rd leg of TFP tour. I can’t seem them doing the same show again. The only played there last year. Although they did RIR twice on the LOTB tour (with slightly different set lists).
Where are they asking that? There is nothing on Facebook or Instagram.

Wacken Headquarters send this survey to the email addresses of registered ticket holders who also deactivated their tickets meaning they are real people who indeed attended.
I like this approach, very professional.
You get the opinion of people who actually know Wacken and not some trolls or bots or whoever on Facebook/Instagram.

But apart from that, I also think that the Wacken line-up will still have some surprises in store.
Wacken Headquarters send this survey to the email addresses of registered ticket holders who also deactivated their tickets meaning they are real people who indeed attended.
I like this approach, very professional.
You get the opinion of people who actually know Wacken and not some trolls or bots or whoever on Facebook/Instagram.

But apart from that, I also think that the Wacken line-up will still have some surprises in store.

Yes, I confirm.
You are contacted specifically by email.
I believe that Wacken knows that something has to happen. Wacken 2024 was sold out in 4 hours. Now, 12 Aug, about 80% of the tickets are sold. No one I know is impressed with the line-up so far. The ticket price remains 333 EUR, but you also have to buy a pass for your car, so the tickets are much more expensive.
I don't know what sensation they could announce to turn the tide.
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You are contacted specifically by email.
I believe that Wacken knows that something has to happen. Wacken 2024 was sold out in 4 hours. Now, 12 Aug, about 80% of the tickets are sold. No one I know is impressed with the line-up so far. The ticket price remains 333 EUR, but you also have to buy a pass for your car, so the tickets are much more expensive.
I don't know what sensation they could announce to turn the tide.
Maybe Metallica?
Yes, I confirm.
You are contacted specifically by email.
I believe that Wacken knows that something has to happen. Wacken 2024 was sold out in 4 hours. Now, 12 Aug, about 80% of the tickets are sold. No one I know is impressed with the line-up so far. The ticket price remains 333 EUR, but you also have to buy a pass for your car, so the tickets are much more expensive.
I don't know what sensation they could announce to turn the tide.

Well, the tide doesn't need turning I guess. Nobody likes the lineup yet 60,000< have parted with over €300 for tickets.
Given Nicko’s health and them getting older I assume for the 50th anny tour they will go with longer and slower songs, epics if you will.
That seems accurate.
It is time to retire Trooper, RTTH and NOTB.
Although they did RIR twice on the LOTB tour (with slightly different set lists).
That was weird, but I guess they did it because of the SJ stage. And we have pro-shot footage of it and ''Senjutsu'', unfortunately with poor sound and camerawork. At least we got to hear better the great harmony under the chorus of ''Stratego'' live - which sound like vintage Maiden.
Given Nicko’s health and them getting older I assume for the 50th anny tour they will go with longer and slower songs, epics if you will. That seems accurate.
It is time to retire Trooper, RTTH and NOTB.
The classics won't be retired, never. Not all of them (Hills and Hallowed could be). Nicko didn't have an issue with fast tempo (as we can hear on the current tour, although fast song in the encore is not preferable), he has with complex/faster fills or such ones (or part) that require more effort, especially for his accuracy. Or he can just omit them, like now for some songs. But first he has to try them at the rehearsals, and I won't call songs like Rime, Land or Infinite Dreams not challenging. I think the setlist will be a good mix (50/50 like for the current tour) of faster and mid-tempo (longer) songs, as usual. A show needs a good balance... that's even true for the 2022 set, mainly because Maiden's songs have enough different and interesting parts.