Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

The only thing that suggests, in my opinion, that the possibility of ending their career has become more realistic is the sentence "We'll manage to keep going for a while longer" because it suggests that they have to keep going and the time they think about is rather short. I

I'm pretty sure there was a similar statement in 2012.
And regarding Nicko, who knows if he's not a person who would say, please, don't finish Iron Maiden for my sake, I couldn't stand that, then I'd rather choose a live successor.
Nicko has said this before.
I don't think the ex-members show will ever happen.
Me too, but never say never. Maybe for a few songs from every era, it would be more than enough imo.
Maybe they release ducumentary series first (in the first months of 2025) and next they start touring, probably in July 'til September.
The documentary (which was the key for the tour's expected big theme, btw) could be released after the tour (probably more likely) or before it.
The tour will start in May I guess.
I really doubt that Maiden will ever do a farewell tour. Really really doubt it. However this interview with Steve makes it a tiny bit possible, but I still very much doubt it.
I also doubt about a farewell tour, but who knows. Maybe they can do a ''1 song from each album'' tour. It's possible, ofc with some short songs from some of the albums.
It seems to me he is kinda preparing us for the retirement of Nicko with the "Then we will see what happens." and "next year who knows!"
Possible, but I'd be very surprised as they've always said they don't want to replace anyone from the current lineup.
The only thing that suggests, in my opinion, that the possibility of ending their career has become more realistic is the sentence "We'll manage to keep going for a while longer" because it suggests that they have to keep going and the time they think about is rather short. I got the impression that Steve is rather aware that at this stage every year of active performance should be seen as a success and not something obvious and given. The part about the new album is also neutral - they have ideas and that's it. A bit of a shame. If I wanted to be paranoid, I would say that the band more or less knows that it's over - Bruce resuming his career may be a result of this and that Steve uses it as an argument in the discussion.
Um, that's a normal answer from Steve. What to say now? He has said such things in the past. He also said it's not over yet. The speculation should stop. About the new album, it's a shame, but they have to mark the anniv and I'm rather confident about a 2026 album release. He mentioned Bruce's solo tour in the context of them not having time to record.
Regarding Nicko's successor live... The biggest question is does the other part of the rythm section even want to play with another drummer in the context of Maiden?

I'd lean towards no.
Regarding Nicko's successor live... The biggest question is does the other part of the rythm section even want to play with another drummer in the context of Maiden?

I'd lean towards no.
Well to be fair Steve has been playing with Simon Dawson in British Lion for about 12 years now.
Yeah I couldn't really see a point in the Powerslave / LAD theme again either but felt compelled to give my 50 cents on the topic as heated discussion on the two aforementioned albums took place. Not my idea.

All career representing setlist would make the most sense, doing so from the start, and emphasize on the meaning of ALL career. Including not neglecting the 90s material. Lots of great stuff in the shadow of FOTD.
Please God no more history tours. album/tour/album/tour until Steve retires.
A few issues with bringing Blaze and Paul out on stage

Dianno can't really sing anymore and is in a wheelchair. Dianno probably does not sing his maiden tunes in the original key anymore.

Blaze in the 2000s grew to be twice the singer he was in Maiden. Consistent great live performances etc. I actually think he's (only) slightly lost a step now, vocally, after the heart attack (saw him live recently). Hes still good though.

However if Blaze came out to sing say, Futureal, well Blaze sings that in D nowadays (given aging and it fits him better) and Maiden would do it in E. So that might once again leave Blaze in a Maiden show not quite at his absolute best.

I guess they could just transpose it down the neck to D from 7-3-5 to 5-1-3. They did similar for Bruce on lord of the flies
Not on tour but let's say they were to do a final farewell show. Bring Paul and Blaze out for one song. Which song you ask? IM of course. It's got three choruses and three verses. Each singer takes one and all three sing the final chorus.
I think Running free is a good candidate as well, as it has been a closing song several times. It could be possible one final time in a couple of years, as long as Paul gets healthier and don’t die from us (he has fooled death several times the last few years)
A few issues with bringing Blaze and Paul out on stage

Dianno can't really sing anymore and is in a wheelchair. Dianno probably does not sing his maiden tunes in the original key anymore.

Blaze in the 2000s grew to be twice the singer he was in Maiden. Consistent great live performances etc. I actually think he's (only) slightly lost a step now, vocally, after the heart attack (saw him live recently). Hes still good though.

However if Blaze came out to sing say, Futureal, well Blaze sings that in D nowadays (given aging and it fits him better) and Maiden would do it in E. So that might once again leave Blaze in a Maiden show not quite at his absolute best.

I guess they could just transpose it down the neck to D from 7-3-5 to 5-1-3. They did similar for Bruce on lord of the flies
The wheelchair is just temporary, he is working to get back on his feet. If not, he can sing from the wheelchair with no problem. I’m sure they find some middle ground about tunings and vocals
Please read my post carefully. "In context of Maiden."
The Killer crew has experienced significant changes over the past few years. The crew typically alternates between solo projects and working within the Iron Maiden camp, such as Michael Kenney teching for British Lion and Dave Murray's tech being on Bruce's Mandrake tour. I would argue that any developments within the Mandrake or British Lion camps fall within the 'context of Maiden'.
All this talk about a potential farewell tour in the future has me thinking what song will close their last show. It has to be Wasted Years, right?
They could go with something like Prowler to go back to the beginning, but I don't think the emotional weight is there for that one. Something like Hallowed would be a worthy song, but it's not usually a concert closer. Blood Brothers is the other one that resonates a lot with people, but I think Wasted Years is probably the most fitting choice.

Though the real answer is of course the special 20 minute version of The Angel And The Gambler.
They should release it along with the dates announcement, it would have a massive boost in sales.
Since it can't be possible, it will probably be released anytime in 2025
If they do marketing things right, the documentary should boost Maiden popularity so same as EF1 did back in 2008. I hope Maiden will announce some infos about the tour soon (September/October). Maybe they'll wait with proper announcement 'til the end of The Future Past... but it seems to be so long.
As for the documentary, I wonder if there's going to be anything interesting and exclusive for the die hard fans or if we'll be familiar with everything already. I'm sure we're not the intended audience, but it's still interesting to think about.
I think it should include a few episodes dedicated to the particular eras in history of Maiden. I think it may be similar to the latest Bon Jovi series. Some for die hard maniacs but mostly for "future listeners".