
I live on my own so I'll go a bit crazy from not seeing anyone.
This is what I've been thinking too. I work from home now, so I'm going to be home alone pretty much all the time. The restrictions in Finland will last at least a month, and who knows how long after that. I'm genuinely a bit scared if it'll affect me somehow. Phone and video calls and talking to people online helps to a degree, but I need to have actual people around me sometimes. I love being at home, and I have a lot of fun stuff to do here, but actual human contact would be needed too. I was quite confused and also anxious last week, when the restrictions here started, and I didn't know what was going to happen with my life and my work. I've now settled to work from home, even though I didn't want to, so things have luckily gotten clearer. And I need not worry about my finances, which is of course a big relief.
Some potentially good news coming out of Italy at last: the number of new deaths from the previous 24 hours (651) is lower than the number of new deaths from the 24 hours before that (793). This is the first time the number of new deaths has decreased. The total number of cases has increased by 10% which is the lowest percentage increase since the virus was first detected in Italy. Hopefully this is the beginning of the downward slope for Italy and not just an anomaly.