
Get better soon.

Our family got covid around December 12th, I had a combination with a bacterial infection as well, so I was sick for two weeks and I'm still not okay. Throat, diarrhoea, cough, fatigue, various aches all over, palpitations and so on. There are things I didn't know you could have. I really hope it's gonna get better soon.

Also, my youngest spent New Year's Eve (and a few days around that) in a hospital with wifey, because of a severe infection (but there was also a suspicion he might have had PIMS - thankfully he didn't). These past few weeks have been quite toiling.

It's a cunting buggeration of a disease, to put it succintly.

(that said, there's an insane combination of strep throats, flus, stomach flus and everything going around - everybody seems to be sick with something)
Damn, swift recovery to you as well Judas!

There's really a lot going around currently. My father-in-law thankfully didn't get covid this winter, but he was hit by pneumonia recently. He's mostly recovered by now, but it sucked a lot.
Get better soon.

Our family got covid around December 12th, I had a combination with a bacterial infection as well, so I was sick for two weeks and I'm still not okay. Throat, diarrhoea, cough, fatigue, various aches all over, palpitations and so on. There are things I didn't know you could have. I really hope it's gonna get better soon.

Also, my youngest spent New Year's Eve (and a few days around that) in a hospital with wifey, because of a severe infection (but there was also a suspicion he might have had PIMS - thankfully he didn't). These past few weeks have been quite toiling.

It's a cunting buggeration of a disease, to put it succintly.

(that said, there's an insane combination of strep throats, flus, stomach flus and everything going around - everybody seems to be sick with something)
Thank you @JudasMyGuide . Worried about you wrote. Because I also have something wrong in my stomach since November along with Migraines and dizziness and nausea and fatigue, diarrhea and muscular issues and pains. Yeah you're right there's a lot of different flus around. This absolutely sucks.
Hope you and your kid will get better very soon !
Damn, swift recovery to you as well Judas!

There's really a lot going around currently. My father-in-law thankfully didn't get covid this winter, but he was hit by pneumonia recently. He's mostly recovered by now, but it sucked a lot.
I've got the fear about this kind of virus hit to my parents too. My father have to deal with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and chronic bronchitis every winter and spring.
My parents were able to get their RSV shots, thankfully, and then about four weeks later someone at my dad's office got hospitalized with RSV. Neither of them got sick though. Modern medicine is great.
My parents were able to get their RSV shots, thankfully, and then about four weeks later someone at my dad's office got hospitalized with RSV. Neither of them got sick though. Modern medicine is great.
It indeed is. We can cure, or mitigate so many diseases and conditions. However, we seem unable to thwart the seemingly easisest of conditions, "stupidity", which in my mind was cured by supplying knowledge and having new experiences. However, in the age of cults and ignorance by choice, I have been forced to change my mind about that; that millions upon millions of people believe, and first and foremost want to believe, that vaccines are evil...
So, anyone else on the forum suffering from long Covid?

Like I wrote in the 1M replies thread (and elaborated more anonymously on Reddit) I've been having chronic issues since our family got the virus for the second time in December.

The symptoms come and go, some are neurological (slightly blurry vision in one eye, tingling and numbness, twitches, stiffness, muscle soreness after more or less normal activity, anxiety/sense of impending doom, unrefreshing sleep), some are GIT (diarrhoea, belly aches) some probably immunological (itching all over the body, repeatedly burning tongue, sensitive and reddish skin, painful joints, slight edemas and such - something along the lines of histamine intolerance/MCAS, probably, since allergies came back negative except dust mites) and so on.
I've had MRIs, CTs, blood tests, urine tests, allergy tests, clinical examination by various specialists, nothing. Slowly, but surely it's starting to look like long covid. I'm lucky since the city close by I work in has the only professional post-covid clinic in the entire country, so once everything else is excluded, my GP's gonna send me there, but still, long covid is something with no diagnosis, no prognosis, no treatment (more or less).

I was just wondering if anyone else has been dismantled by the bitch as much as I was.
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After my 1st time with Covid (2 weeks in bed), thought I was over it. Then started having pain on my side. Eventually got a scan done and turns out I had walking pneumonia!
Took special antibiotics and months to get rid of!

This was about 2 years ago.
So, anyone else on the forum suffering from long Covid?

Like I wrote in the 1M replies thread (and elaborated more anonymously on Reddit) I've been having chronic issues since our family got the virus for the second time in December.

The symptoms come and go, some are neurological (slightly blurry vision in one eye, tingling and numbness, twitches, stiffness, muscle soreness after more or less normal activity, anxiety/sense of impending doom, unrefreshing sleep), some are GIT (diarrhoea, belly aches) some probably immunological (itching all over the body, repeatedly burning tongue, sensitive and reddish skin, painful joints, slight edemas and such - something along the lines of histamine intolerance/MCAS, probably, since allergies came back negative except dust mites) and so on.
I've had MRIs, CTs, blood tests, urine tests, allergy tests, clinical examination by various specialists, nothing. Slowly, but surely it's starting to look like long covid. I'm lucky since the city close by I work in has the only professional post-covid clinic in the entire country, so once everything else is excluded, my GP's gonna send me there, but still, long covid is something with no diagnosis, no prognosis, no treatment (more or less).

I was just wondering if anyone else has been dismantled by the bitch as much as I was.
Sorry to hear that. My symptoms are more or less bothersome (depending on how you look at it). The main one is constant sinusitis and migraines (on average 3 weeks a month), which I have never experienced in my life, and which began to occur after Covid. The second problem is cognitive problems - mainly memory problems, when it was really bad I had problems remembering the name of the street where I have lived for 10 years. I also have problems with speech - due to my work (marketing at the HQ of an international company and conducting training) I usually spoke a lot and gave many presentations. Since Covid, I've been having a problem with this - I'm losing the thread, I have sentences in my head but I can't pronounce them, I'm losing words (e.g. I want to say "We need to build website that will target audience X" but after saying the sentence I notice that I omitted the word 'website') etc. It's not always bad but it's noticeable, at least for me.
So, anyone else on the forum suffering from long Covid?

Like I wrote in the 1M replies thread (and elaborated more anonymously on Reddit) I've been having chronic issues since our family got the virus for the second time in December.

The symptoms come and go, some are neurological (slightly blurry vision in one eye, tingling and numbness, twitches, stiffness, muscle soreness after more or less normal activity, anxiety/sense of impending doom, unrefreshing sleep), some are GIT (diarrhoea, belly aches) some probably immunological (itching all over the body, repeatedly burning tongue, sensitive and reddish skin, painful joints, slight edemas and such - something along the lines of histamine intolerance/MCAS, probably, since allergies came back negative except dust mites) and so on.
I've had MRIs, CTs, blood tests, urine tests, allergy tests, clinical examination by various specialists, nothing. Slowly, but surely it's starting to look like long covid. I'm lucky since the city close by I work in has the only professional post-covid clinic in the entire country, so once everything else is excluded, my GP's gonna send me there, but still, long covid is something with no diagnosis, no prognosis, no treatment (more or less).

I was just wondering if anyone else has been dismantled by the bitch as much as I was.
Sorry to hear you’ve still got all that as an after effect. Sounds awful.

I’ve developed the worst allergies of my life after Covid. It’s been at least two years now of always having some sort of nasal reaction to something. Also, and this may sound silly, but if I laugh too hard: I cough. Every time. Like a rough, scratchy cough.
So, anyone else on the forum suffering from long Covid?

Like I wrote in the 1M replies thread (and elaborated more anonymously on Reddit) I've been having chronic issues since our family got the virus for the second time in December.

The symptoms come and go, some are neurological (slightly blurry vision in one eye, tingling and numbness, twitches, stiffness, muscle soreness after more or less normal activity, anxiety/sense of impending doom, unrefreshing sleep), some are GIT (diarrhoea, belly aches) some probably immunological (itching all over the body, repeatedly burning tongue, sensitive and reddish skin, painful joints, slight edemas and such - something along the lines of histamine intolerance/MCAS, probably, since allergies came back negative except dust mites) and so on.
I've had MRIs, CTs, blood tests, urine tests, allergy tests, clinical examination by various specialists, nothing. Slowly, but surely it's starting to look like long covid. I'm lucky since the city close by I work in has the only professional post-covid clinic in the entire country, so once everything else is excluded, my GP's gonna send me there, but still, long covid is something with no diagnosis, no prognosis, no treatment (more or less).

I was just wondering if anyone else has been dismantled by the bitch as much as I was.
I still have chronic fatigue. They diagnosed to me in 2020 when Covid started to spread to Europe. I had flu with fever during one month. They told me that I was clean of the virus because my body didn't developed antibodies but the urine test was positive with the R Protein positive or high. It was related with the energy taken from the muscles or so. Since then they diagnosed to me with sleep apnea, persistent chronic fatigue and diabetes and probably something related with blood too. I was suffered from important issues in the skin of head, face and arms in 2022 and since then I still have more or less depends of the weather but any dermatologist or clinical doctor didn't know what it was. The doctor that see me every year quit off one pill because it can due to that. But it isn't. Anyway, every year I have the R Protein positive or high and they still researching because it's something related with the autoimmune system. The allergy test was negative btw. Last summer I had the covid and the symptoms were permanent during 3 months. I started to have vision issues, There's nothing but I have to make another test.

I still have most of the symptoms you're feeling but according to doctors my case It's chronic fatigue not long covid.

Hope you feel much better and hope your family have recovered completely. Cheers :cheers:
I’m lucky I have not catched long covid, but I still fear to get it. People think covid is a joke nowadays, but have they forgot about the dangers of long covid?

My wife and one of my kids got it during a wedding celebration last weekend. So now me and my other kid are waiting to get it:help:
The aftereffects of COVID can be no joke, my grandmother had it in very late 2019 in fact and was severely unwell for several weeks, we only realised it was COVID after the fact when all of the symptoms lined up perfectly. Her senses of taste and smell are still badly diminished as are her energy levels.

Curiously, she also had very unpleasant aftereffects after taking the vaccine, she persevered for the inital two doses and the first two boosters but the second of those left her bedridden and in extreme pain from autoimmune symptoms for a number of days so she has abstained from having any more.