
On Tuesday, after some more restrictions in Finland, I was coming home from work by bus. I had work laptop in my backpack for the first time, and I knew I wouldn't be going back to the office anytime soon. As I sat on the bus, I felt a bit unreal, and I couldn't help thinking my life as I knew it had somehow changed altogether, and things will never be the same again. I have to say I got a lot of comfort from the familiar Maiden songs I was listening to.
I'm showing symptoms of some sickness (sore throat, dry cough, chills, complete loss of appetite). If I were to go into work today (as planned) I wouldn't pass our newly implemented health assessment. That all being said, I'm calling out for atleast the next two days to monitor my symptoms. I doubt I have it, I really do. Someone in my town of 3,000 people has tested positive for it though. I currently have no plans to get tested for it if that tells you anything of my (current) headspace. If my symptoms worsen, then I will; but I am not going to be exposing myself to people for, at the very very least, the next 48 hours.
I'm showing symptoms of some sickness (sore throat, dry cough, chills, complete loss of appetite). If I were to go into work today (as planned) I wouldn't pass our newly implemented health assessment. That all being said, I'm calling out for atleast the next two days to monitor my symptoms. I doubt I have it, I really do. Someone in my town of 3,000 people has tested positive for it though. I currently have no plans to get tested for it if that tells you anything of my (current) headspace. If my symptoms worsen, then I will; but I am not going to be exposing myself to people for, at the very very least, the next 48 hours.
Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon! :)
All countries should learn from Polish government. In case of any symptomps you must call special number, they will interview you. There's question about your visits to other countries or did you meet someone from other country. If you answer 'no' or 'dont know' this means automatically that you're free from Coronavirus. I wish that was a joke.
Thanks, just talked with my supervisor. I have to stay out until Wednesday and get cleared by my doctor before I go back. Pretty bad time to be poor hahah
No, so my normal shift is 8 hours. I normally come in early or stay late 4 hours M-F along with working 8 to 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I shouldn't rely on the overtime but living independently in my state is very hard. You can't find a one bedroom apartment around me for under 775 USD a month. Most of the time utilities are not included. Couple that with a car payment and insurance and all that other fun stuff well I'm use to spending most of my time at work.

I'm still getting paid for Monday and Tuesday but it will only 16 hours of sick/personal time.
Jesus, considering that USA is around 2 weeks behind Italy, they will likely have 150 000 cases in a week.

Stay safe, American members of Maidenfans.

That was filmed yesterday in Greenock, a really shit town fairly near Glasgow. The owner of the pub is clearly a moron for opening the pub after Boris said they all had to shut on Friday evening, and the dickheads fighting outside are fucking idiots too. I also just read about a supermarket worker in Dundee having a microwaveable burger thrown at her when she told a panic buyer he couldn't buy twelve of them.

Popular outdoors areas like parks and hiking routes are reporting overcrowded car parks and too many visitors for social distancing to be maintained. Local authorities in Cornwall and Devon (South-West England) are asking second home owners and potential visitors not to go there over the Easter break as the supermarkets are already stripped bare and the health infrastructure in the region won't be able to cope if tourists bring the virus with them.
Graduated Highschool
The Book of Souls Tour

I see you are a man of culture as well

Great memes (that presidential election campaign made for a great spectator sport)
The Grand Tour series 1
Ford wins Le Mans
Sabaton - The Last Stand
Someone other than Lewis Hamilton is F1 champ

Pretty good year altogether
What all this shows us is that we are absolutely fucked if a pandemic with a death rate similar to Ebola and the transmission rate of Coronavirus hits us. There are simply far too many stupid and apathetic people around. So many people unable or unwilling to think about the consequences of their actions, and so many people unable or unwilling to think about the consequences of enabling people who are unable or unwilling to think about the consequences of their actions.
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Some potentially good news coming out of Italy at last: the number of new deaths from the previous 24 hours (651) is lower than the number of new deaths from the 24 hours before that (793). This is the first time the number of new deaths has decreased. The total number of cases has increased by 10% which is the lowest percentage increase since the virus was first detected in Italy. Hopefully this is the beginning of the downward slope for Italy and not just an anomaly.
It's heartbreaking when figures like that are 'positives' :( But I have fingers crossed too that this thing is now going into decline in Italy. It is always possible that immunity across the population in the worst hit areas is at a significant level.
It's heartbreaking when figures like that are 'positives' :(
That was my first thought as well when they told this on the news.

In the same vein, it feels weird when a documentary about a ship fire that killed 159 is not the most depressing thing I've watched on TV today.
To be fair, what's happened is that everybody was more or less told they can still go outdoors and go to nice countryside and seaside places where they will be more than 1 metre from someone else and out in the fresh air. And of course, popular spots have ended up crowded because everyome has done the same thing. I fancied going to our local park, which is big, gorgeous and so relaxing, with woodland walks and open fields, but I can see it swarming with families tomorrow.
What happened is that people can't think for themselves and suddenly can't wait two weeks without going out to see water or trees. We need to realize than in some ways the world that we know has ended.

I hope that I'm wrong but today it's quite hard for me to imagine that in two years someone will have coughing attack on a plane and everyone will ignore it. Some scientists claims that this will be a seasonal virus, can you imagine it?

I hope that I'm overreacting but I just can't understand how some people just can't do simple things. It's not like you're going to die if you won't leave house once per week.