Few thoughts about the show in Oslo - my very first Bruce Dickinson solo gig experience!
- Bruce sounded very good! He did mention the health issues, but he seemed to be in a good fit and kept high energy thorough the show
- Road to Hell took the place of Aquarius and Thel is still missing, but the set was very solid overall and as much as I'd love to hear Book of Thel on Thursday, I've got no complaints of the set as it is
- I was in the second row, singing along thorough the show and I had some equally enthusiastic fans around me, so it's a bit hard to objectively judge the general vibe of the crowd, but I'd say that the crowd response overall was very good! Bruce seemed quite pleased with the eager chants and all. It's always nice to hear the "
olé, ole, olé, olé... Bruceeee, Bruceee" football chant...

- After Faith there was a brief
"Skunworks! Skunkworks!" chant as well; I was actually about to attempt starting one myself, but someone had the same idea and I was very happy to join. A very nice moment!
- Tears of the Dragon. Tears. Of. The. Dragon. From day one, everyone knew it'd be played and hence the major setlist speculation, buzz and discussion has (understandably) been around other songs... but it's still a magnificent song!
- Navigate the Seas of the Sun is a phenomenal live track. Very emotional!
- Accident of Birth & Abduction are an absolute blast when it comes to opening the show!
- I very much enjoyed all The Mandrake Project stuff live (as well)! Very good performances.
- Chemical Wedding, Jerusalem, The Alchemist, The Tower... even without The Book of Thel, I loved The Chemical Wedding representation! Especially the three first mentioned were probably the biggest highlights of the show, along with Navigate. I knew that they'd be amazing, but it still made a huge impact on me how powerful live track Jerusalem is!