The Future Past Tour 2024

If I am not mistaken, the broken leg/foot episode was during the Fear of the Dark tour.

He did broke his finger on the Ed Hunter tour, leading to the cancellation of some gigs though.
Ah, I remember why I mixed that up... He spoke about that on the RIR "A day in the life" section.

BTW, rehearsals are done. They are off to production rehearsals today.
Looking forward to see what if any set list changes are in store. Hopefully not many. Somewhere in Time is what got me into the band when it was released and remains my favorite album by them.
I've only seen IM once in concert before that was 1986 during SIT tour when I was a 15 year old kid but I'll be seeing them in Newark on November 9th.
Based on the existing setlist I can't wait to see and hear CSIT / The Time Machine / Alexander the Great / Hell on Earth (!!).
I wish Clansman was still in the mix, however Celts almost checks off that box.
Looking forward to see what if any set list changes are in store. Hopefully not many. Somewhere in Time is what got me into the band when it was released and remains my favorite album by them.
I've only seen IM once in concert before that was 1986 during SIT tour when I was a 15 year old kid but I'll be seeing them in Newark on November 9th.
Based on the existing setlist I can't wait to see and hear CSIT / The Time Machine / Alexander the Great / Hell on Earth (!!).
I wish Clansman was still in the mix, however Celts almost checks off that box.
It seems strange that they're playing Newark and Brooklyn within days of each other. With those two gigs happening within a 45 minute drive wouldn't it have made more sense to just have a couple of nights somewhere in between like MSG?
It seems strange that they're playing Newark and Brooklyn within days of each other. With those two gigs happening within a 45 minute drive wouldn't it have made more sense to just have a couple of nights somewhere in between like MSG?
Don’t know the reason, but it was the same in 2022. I had tickets for Newark but couldn’t make it due to family stuff but they did both ERW and Brooklyn but not MSG last time too.
There's not going to be any changes. They know Nicko can handle the current set. He played a few gigs some weeks ago playing the same set they did last year. He said at the gig this is the set Maiden is doing. There will not be any changes. Personally I would love to have Parchment over Celts but that's not going to happen.
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I find it remarkable how often Steve talks about ageing and the declining abilities and risks and problems with it.

You could say, of course, not surprising, that plays a big role in touring, so it's to be expected.
But I disagree, because I work a lot with people for that would also apply, e.g. older actors who do stunts etc.

It's much more in Steve's head than I'm used to. I have to wonder if there's something behind it. I find it a bit strange.