The setlist is almost perfect. I can't lie I find the Death of the Celts boring and I would swap it for Stratego any day. In geneal I'm glad they dropped the classics. In fact they dropped almost every song from the last tour except for Trooper, TWOTW, Fear and IM. I would keep Hallowed over all these.
+ Caught Somewhere In Time
+ Alexander
+ Hell on Earth
+ Wasted Years
+ Heaven Can Wait
+ Time Machine
+ The Days of Future Past
o Iron Maiden ( we know they will play it)
o Trooper ( we know they will play the beer song)
o The writing on the wall ( I would prefer Stratego, again)
o Fear ( overplayed, but works)
- Death of the Celts ( Snoozzzz)
- Can I play with Madness ( from all the hits, why this?)
- Prisoner ( I would swap it almost for any other deep cut from the 80s)
Changes I would make:
Prisoner out, Hallowed in
Celts out, Stratego in
CIPWM out, Clairvoyant or The Evil that men do in
If Celts are out maybe one more song can be played. LET IT BE FUTUREAL