That could very well happen. However, having been to one or other concert where a band plays a new song. When you buy the album and listen to the song you usually say, "ah, I remember hearing that one on the concert I went to". I mean, wouldn't that happen to you?
I'm not really picking sides here, but if the song in question was BITV, I definitely wouldn't. I surely didn't remember it at all after several listens of the
album, let alone hearing it once in the middle of a concert. Honestly, that middle part of the album between the first two and the last two tracks felt rather gray at first and my appreciation for the songs grew rather slowly.
Same goes for the name - I'm 100% sure I wouldn't recall the name of a new song even right after it was played, let alone anytime later.
Now as for the merit of the discussion, I'm not really convinced either way. The facts seem to be:
- there is an allegiation that a song off the new album was played live once or twice and dropped (which has a precedent)
- the particular show(s) do(es)n't have any publicly known bootlegs
- in a careful research,
Luisma came across several people who don't remember the song being played, including a member of the band
- this whole thing happened 40 years ago and it was definitely a song of a as-of-then unreleased album (and behind the Iron Curtain to boot, where coming across albums wasn't easy in general - I've been told the stories from my father, stepfather and others)
- a snippet of an alleged bootleg has been discovered, with somebody sounding uncannily like cca '84 Bruce seems to be announcing the song in a rather weird way of pronunciation - though honestly, I don't understand a single word he says there, wouldn't even recognise the name of the song if I didn't know it beforehand.
I didn't come to a conclusion, really, I trust the memories of those people much as I would trust mine, so not at all, really, and the bootleg snippet is short and weird, so I would like to hear more before accepting it as real.
I am somewhat baffled as to why people care so much, because with Loneliness the song in question was at least a good one.