Before saying ANYTHING on this subject, you'd better find out EVERYTHING you can find on it, not just propaganda.
Like this for instance
Trade union building set alight after day of street battles in Black Sea resort city
or this
I bet none of you knows about such cases of the Ukraine killing its people who did not want to be part of it.
No need to remind of Kosovo I hope. Or Yugoslavia. Or Iraq. Or Libya.
Why have you kept silent all those 8 (!!!!!) years the Ukraine has been bombarding the civilians in Donbass? Where was your anger? Or the lives of Donbass mean nothing to you? Are you fascists rating people by their blood? Is Donbass inhabited by 'mudbloods' that it shouldn't (in YOUR view) receive any help from those who can give it?
Or you will say you know NOTHING about NATO, its goals in moving eastwards?
Or you know too little and thus have no moral right to judge before studying the subject thoroughly and not listening to propaganda.