Russia invades Ukraine

Virtue signalling on maximum.

Has Maiden ever condemned something political? Haven't they always been an apolitical band?
Did they play in "Soviet occupied territories" in 1984?

And no, Maiden fans in Russian repression do not need to suffer more than they already do. What's the statement from a band going to change in favour of Ukraine? Nothing. The direct anti-Russian sentiment from the band would make daily life of fans in Russia even a bit more shitty than it is.

I support Ukraine actively but I also hate that you're leaving no options for people to have another point of view or just be indifferent.

Also your tying of general "freedom" to this situation is appalling, where were you when Iraqi, Syrian, Yemeni, Libyan children were dying by the day.

Agreed. Except of the last statement, which is a bit "all lives matter"
Hmm, memory is flickering. I remembered it as hundreds of thousands in between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Putin is a dicator. If Maiden mouth off there's a chance that Maiden fans could be rounded up by this cunt.
Several big artists and corporations already have condemned the invasion. IKEA used the same rationalization just now before turning around and closing shop. That's not the reason why Maiden don't take a stand.
I wouldn't test that either.
MiG-25 blew up F-18 in the air in 1st Iraqi war. Not shot down, not mission killed, blew it up.
Yes, because the Saratoga's flight group was denied permission to fire when they acquired the aircraft minutes before the MiG was in engagement range. Like, one fluke win does not a prizefighter make. The Americans knocked 44 Iraqi planes out of the sky to a loss of one in 1991.

The Flanker is fantastic. But NATO air operation doctrine almost certainly means the Flankers can be defeated, especially since there's only, what, 200 of them?
Several big artists and corporations already have condemned the invasion. IKEA used the same rationalization just now before turning around and closing shop. That's not the reason why Maiden don't take a stand.

There aren't people out on the streets wearing IKEA tshirts and what not. You're correct in saying that it's not the reason Maiden chose to sit on the fence, but at the same time, there are maybe real world consequences for Maiden fans.
Putin has made a phone-call to Macron, and among other things Macron told Putin that another path in the conflict was possible if he changed his mind. (
“This conversation is unfortunately an occasion to hear that President Putin will continue military interventions and to go all the way,” according to the Élysée source. (
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Explain to me like I’m five how Maiden cancelling the Ukraine show is as bad as it’s made out to be. What’s wrong with cancelling Russia AND Ukraine shows if there’s a war going on and rockets flying about?
I understand not wanting to enter Ukrainian airspace for a while.

Btw, just as I wrote this, there was another “alpha scramble” in the hallway speakers. Russians at it again.
I went to Maiden’s facebook post comment section because I really didn’t understand what the fuss is about. I get it now, you’re disappointed because Maiden didn’t take a stand against war and dictatorship. For some reason, it never came to my mind that they should issue a strong statement regarding the confict. Why do they have to take a stand? Does every band/artist/public figure have an obligation to make a statement against Russia?
Culture, sports, business, politics and war are intertwined. It's not just a matter of virtue signalling, every damn company to exit russia, any sports competition which bans Russia is in a very small, but still real way, affecting the state of Russia, the aggressor.
Yes, there is a collective responsibility as well as aiding in defending basic democratic values. Democracy is built by us.
I went to Maiden’s facebook post comment section because I really didn’t understand what the fuss is about. I get it now, you’re disappointed because Maiden didn’t take a stand against war and dictatorship. For some reason, it never came to my mind that they should issue a strong statement regarding the confict. Why do they have to take a stand? Does every band/artist/public figure have an obligation to make a statement against Russia?

No, but there's something about cancelling gigs in those two countries and treating it like a technical difficulty that does sort of come across the wrong way.