Russia invades Ukraine

The CEO in our company released a statement yesterday. It was deemed too diplomatic (among other things talking about the "situation" ..., he received a lot of harsh comments for it and today a new statement, much clearer and stronger, was released.

I wouldn't be surprised if Maiden's management end up doing the same in a day or two.
"The U.S. military has established channels to communicate directly with the Russian military as a way to deconflict tactical movements around Ukraine, a senior defense official said Thursday.

U.S. forces do not have any aircraft flying over Ukraine or ships near where Russia's navy is operating in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, but the U.S. military has assets all around Ukraine. The amount has increased in the past few weeks as the Biden administration has sent more troops and assets to Ukraine's neighbors as a way to shore up NATO ally defenses.

With the U.S. military operating in the area, concerns persist of a possibility of a close encounter that leads to a miscalculation and an escalation.

To mitigate that, the U.S. European Command has set up a deconfliction mechanism with its counterparts at the Russian ministry of defense.

The senior defense official said there is more than one channel and this communication has been operable for about the past day."
- NBC.

Thank H (thinking of Putin's nukes rhetorics).
Idiots ... show some backbone. Biden is trying to a) keep inflation down b) not piss off part of his constituency by increasing US production to help in the mid-terms.

Spineless fuck
I'm torn on the matter. The US democracy is in an utter shit state. Trump extremists have momentum. Realpolitik is ugly, but nothing would benefit Russia more than a Trump 2024 victory (which is looking increasingly likely with the republican election fraud, sorry, state legislations).
I am not torn at all ... be a leader .. ban the oil, explain why you are doing it, take steps to mitigate the impact (tax holiday, encourage states with surpluses (most of them) to do the same, increase domestic production, keep pushing on alternatives, find other foreign sources) and see what we can do to help Europe with natural gas/coal in the short term to make it easier for them to cut off Euro energy. They are probably still fucked in the mid terms, but in the meantime he would at least be doing the right thing.

There is a proposal in Congress to do just that, announced today

Not that I think US politics matters much in any of this .. and I really do not want to sidetrack the conversation .. but Biden standing in Kyiv with Zelensky after the Russians were driven out would benefit him.

I had hoped he was going to announce the oil ban at the state of the union, but all we really got was banning Russian planes from our airspace and going after the Oligarchs .. both of which are great. But Russian energy banks are not all banned from Swift and energy is pretty much their only source of foreign revenue at this point. Limit their market to China (where they will probably need to sell at a discount) and North Korea (who has no money)
It would be interesting to see if Biden is working on an oil production piece on the back end. Cutting out Russian production without something to replace it would be bad. Even if he announced billions to increase US oil production, the shock of turning off the taps would be insane - too much to bear for many people. What he needs is people with confirmed reserves and distribution networks to open up - IE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It would be interesting to see if Biden is working on an oil production piece on the back end. Cutting out Russian production without something to replace it would be bad. Even if he announced billions to increase US oil production, the shock of turning off the taps would be insane - too much to bear for many people. What he needs is people with confirmed reserves and distribution networks to open up - IE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
That would be great, but until the taps from Russia are shut down they can keep marching. Europe needs to do the same and fast ..and that would have a greater impact than the US doing it ...but the US needs to do it soon and we can manage
That would be great, but until the taps from Russia are shut down they can keep marching. Europe needs to do the same and fast ..and that would have a greater impact than the US doing it ...but the US needs to do it soon and we can manage
Well the USA is only 7% and Alberta can replace most of that pretty easily (shitty oil). Europe is different, and KSA would be the logical partner there, but what do you gotta give MBS to get him to do it...well.

In the meantime, you plan to get away from all oil and fossil, and accelerate our moves in those directions.

Also, upping the pressure:
Right. Which is why I said the US could survive this fairly easily. We can do what we can to send LNG and coal to Europe in the short term ...partial solution for sure. But they have until next winter to figure it out. Ukraine does not have that much time
Русский посол, иди нахуй.
Russian ambassador, go fuck yourself.
Russians were apparently shooting at a nuclear power plant during the night.

Fucking morons. Nobdy gains from a nuclear disaster.
Yes, there was a battle at Zaporizhzhia power plant but no increased level of radiation was reported. The damage was not critical but only one of six generators is said to be working atm.

Russian propaganda and level of totalitarianism has been up there for ages, but the recent days have taken them even further down the North Korea road.

Whilst I am sure that Russian propaganda in schools and indoctrination is rife, LBC could also show the same level of criticism whenever propaganda is used here in the UK. The atrocities committed in the name of the British Empire are not even part of the syllabus in our schools and white supremacists are still widely revered.