Russia invades Ukraine

Lavrov, Putin... they're mad.

I don't follow NYT and New Yorker that much lately (though I'm still subscribed) but from previous readings, Lavrov is far from mad.
Around 2017 (Tillerson times) he was highly regarded as the jewel of international diplomacy.

I mean look at it, he's been in this position since 2005 under Putin, and and he is still maintaining his gravitas. Not the easiest thing ever. Or the least dangerous.
I am very worried about the situation of course. Growing up during the 00's, Russia invading was a joke in Sweden.

As for the Swedish situation we have tried to have the cake and eat it diplomatically for years. "Neutral." This country has been at war enough through history, I agree, but we'll see how much longer that peace since 1814 will last.

According to Internet Swedes that's part of the routine "airspace incursions" that goes on for decades.
Everyone does it, and it gets bombastically reported in situations such as these.

Yeah, it's a constant thing. The news value varies depending on what's happening in the world at the moment.

Let's hope we don't get to see how the Gripen measures up against the SU-35S... The SU-27's should be a walk in the park.
The SU-27's should be a walk in the park.

I wouldn't test that either.
MiG-25 blew up F-18 in the air in 1st Iraqi war. Not shot down, not mission killed, blew it up.

Disconnected from the central situational awareness, Su-27 (provided same pilot skill), is an extremely dangerous situation for the Gripen, or any kind of light fighter, F-35 included. Gripen is a great plane but it's greatness is not in raw power.

Flanker is an insane plane, it's sort of a miracle that it came from USSR.
One fan wrote on the Facebook: 'They are looking hypocritic now.'
Churchill Speech... Aces High, Two Minutes, Where Eagles Dare, Afraid to Shoot Strangers, The CLANSMAN... (FREEDOM!!!) and many many more...

I am truly very disappointed. Just a mere businessmans...
Covered in sinners and dripping with guilt
Making your money from slime and from filth..
Virtue signalling on maximum.

Has Maiden ever condemned something political? Haven't they always been an apolitical band?
Did they play in "Soviet occupied territories" in 1984?

And no, Maiden fans in Russian repression do not need to suffer more than they already do. What's the statement from a band going to change in favour of Ukraine? Nothing. The direct anti-Russian sentiment from the band would make daily life of fans in Russia even a bit more shitty than it is.

I support Ukraine actively but I also hate that you're leaving no options for people to have another point of view or just be indifferent.

Also your tying of general "freedom" to this situation is appalling, where were you when Iraqi, Syrian, Yemeni, Libyan children were dying by the day.
Culture, sports, business, politics and war are intertwined. It's not just a matter of virtue signalling, every damn company to exit russia, any sports competition which bans Russia is in a very small, but still real way, affecting the state of Russia, the aggressor.
That being said, nothing helps if we have an internal shouting and namecalling match here. Nobody here is attacking Ukraine. Everybody here supports Ukraine.
The politicians have clearly left loopholes in SWIFT so rich people in Russia can partially save ass, the streamers, IT outsourcing, musicians, YTbers, the group largely belonging to eurocentric opposition has been struck the most. These people are now bust.

Putin is also taking away their foreign currency. 80% of it they must convert to ruble at some pityful exchange rate which is esentially taking away their money and giving it to Putin.

Put yourself in a situation of a Russian Maiden fan that's been on the right side of things since forever, went to demonstrate against Putin, been detained, at least. And now the sanctions kill your income while oligarchs and Putin have back channels to shuffle money through. And now your favourite band is saying, well this is partially your fault because he's your president.
They have left the banks who manages the energy payments SWIFT enrolled. But the US and EU have said just recently, there are signs of Belarus funneling money and helping the russian central bank avoid sanctions, which they will adress. The SWIFT sanctions are serious, and if Europe was energy independent they would have been total.

And yeah, the sanctions will cripple the russian economy, as well as carry serious blowbacks to our own respective economies. The shit will hit all of our fans, just Russia's a lot harder.
this is partially your fault because he's your president.

Yes, it is partially their fault, because, as a nation they voted for Putin many years, there's no 500 000 demonstrations. Many of them are politically indifferent, etc. And as a result of their indifference, now, many of them will be turn in to cannon fodder.
FYI I have reacted to "Fuck you Iron Maiden" and that's the hill I will die on every time.
On forum, or in real life - well not die but you get what I mean.

If you have to say this on a Maiden forum maybe it's time to lay off the internet for a bit.
Oh now they voted for Putin, elections haven't been stolen time after time?
Elections would not be stolen, if nation would fight for democracy and go to demonstrations in critical quantity.
You do remember the Russian protests with hundreds of thousands back in 2008 or so?
You do remember the Russian protests with hundreds of thousands back in 2008 or so?

Last thing on my mind is defending this Azas character right now, but he is correct, I do extrapolate same conclusion from the data. The largest protests ever were 150,000 reported by the organizers, which means lower number. That's peanuts for Moscow or Russia.