I used to think it was an old man opinion but phones have definitely hindered people's ability to engage with live music in any meaningful way. If Maiden introduced those mandatory locked pouches that bands like Tool use at their gigs I'd welcome it.

The lack of phones at the Tool gig was an excellent thing.
I am grateful for this. i don't want to be "touched by strangers" as you wrote who think they can get away with it because "mayhem at a concert".

And I also don't want to have to stay in the back because of that.
Are you the one that stands down the front with arms crossed and gets annoyed when people bang into you, as if you own a spot on the floor just cos youve been there for 3 hours? It's you that ruins my night and me that ruins yours. We hate each other. I love you :shred:
I like to go a bit mad and like others to do the same, it's the communal expression of joy that I love, touching strangers, the eye contact, the garbled words in eachothers ears

A genuine r/Berghain_Community moment... though I certainly like my concerts a bit less... intimate, especially since it's mostly old geezers who smell of beer. :ninja:
I'm definitely sliding further into the small band, small venue habit.

I'd say Maiden are the only big band I'll go see from now on. The boring crowds over the last few years have really taken its toll on me. Its no longer worth it unless I have a crowd with me. I used to fly solo all the time and find a crew for mayhem but now not so much. 6 of us went to see the Bizkit in the summer, it was fantastic, a real buzz among the crowd but that was a rare blip.
Exactly, my last Opeth concert, I could go get a beer and to take a piss and I still could return right next to stage. An average size underground club, cool, laid back atmosphere, that's kinda the ideal, honestly.
Each to their own. Maybe I'm in the wrong town. But I know for a fact that the bands mourn the loss of crowd mayhem. The front is for the wild but the wild aren't there. It's not me gettin old, it's crowds getting more sedate. Thats how it is in Belfast anyway. 3 gigs last year in the space of 2 months when the front man mentioned how low energy the crowd was, Electric 6, The Darknes and Rodrigo y Gabirela. I felt disgusted. I'm not makin this up.

Annnnyway, fuck Star Wars, up the Irons.
I think it's mainly due to the aging factor. It's true for both. The Crowd and THE BAND. Interchanging energies... Even if they still active on the stage, it's not the same as in their heyday. Eyes Don't lie.

I'd say Maiden are the only big band I'll go see from now on. The boring crowds over the last few years have really taken its toll on me. Its no longer worth it unless I have a crowd with me. I used to fly solo all the time and find a crew for mayhem but now not so much. 6 of us went to see the Bizkit in the summer, it was fantastic, a real buzz among the crowd but that was a rare blip.
Me too. Plus I can’t afford going to big gigs anymore. £100 odd quid for Maiden was a push for me.
I used to think it was an old man opinion but phones have definitely hindered people's ability to engage with live music in any meaningful way. If Maiden introduced those mandatory locked pouches that bands like Tool use at their gigs I'd welcome it.

Certainly I went to Sabaton gig once where there was not a phone in sight. They would have been broken to pieces within seconds, the entire crowd was jumping!

I have to say though....can you actually mosh to Maiden's music at their current pace? There was a major rugby style ruck driven from one side at the O2 last year. I wouldn't call that moshing, and all it achieved was crushing people at the front before two Polish blokes told them to stop being fuckwits and pushed them back. There was a little bit of jumping, but nothing along the lines of limbs flying thorough the air like the last Gojira show I was at.

Struggling to think of headbanging opportunities during Alexander the Great.