playing on their phones

This again, just like with that Bruce rant.

For wit, the last two times I was attending a concert, I had to do so alone and my wife had to remain at home. I was writing on my phone a third of the time, telling he what songs are playing, impressions, fun tidbits and so on, because I missed her and wanted to be in touch. And let her know I'm enjoying it. Sorry, but I paid for the ticket and this is absolutely nobody's business.
This again, just like with that Bruce rant.

For wit, the last two times I was attending a concert, I had to do so alone and my wife had to remain at home. I was writing on my phone a third of the time, telling he what songs are playing, impressions, fun tidbits and so on, because I missed her and wanted to be in touch. And let her know I'm enjoying it. Sorry, but I paid for the ticket and this is absolutely nobody's business.
Indeed. I'm 59 now and at shows I mostly stand and watch/listen to the band. Just because I no longer jump around and scream my head off doesn't mean I enjoy the show any less than those that do.
I appreciate those old folk that have served their time and now hang back, they did their dancing and gave bands the energy they deserved and years and gigs take their toll.

What annoys me is the young folk that have refused to take up the batton and make many gigs like a morgue. Its a damn fact that gigs are not as bouncy or shouty as they used to be. Some are but most aren't. If that suits ye then fair play but personally I mourn the loss.

I've thought long and hard about this and I believe that I am correct. Not old, not biased, just right.

Screaming your lungs out and jumping at a metal gig went out of fashion at some point. I didn't get the memo but if I did I'd probably pish on it.
But these are the 'kids' that Rod and Maiden want to see at their gigs
I saw Maiden in Brisbane recently. I was amazed at how many people are more interested in having a conversation and playing on their phones then enjoying the world's best band.

I've also noticed this, not only with older fans and also in small venues: many people nowadays behave as if they were sitting in a coffee house or a pub: having a drink with friends and chatting.
This again, just like with that Bruce rant.

For wit, the last two times I was attending a concert, I had to do so alone and my wife had to remain at home. I was writing on my phone a third of the time, telling he what songs are playing, impressions, fun tidbits and so on, because I missed her and wanted to be in touch. And let her know I'm enjoying it. Sorry, but I paid for the ticket and this is absolutely nobody's business.
This. People are allowed to spend their time however they like. Maybe they need to check up on someone who isn't in attendance. Maybe they want to take pictures and videos to show to someone. Hell, without the people taking videos we wouldn't have half as much to talk about in the touring thread.

As long as someone doesn't record a video with an enormous iPad (I've seen pictures of that happening) I don't really have issues. "Phones block my view!" people say, but so do gargantuan 2.10 meter tall Dutch giants. At least with phones I can actually look through the screen and maybe see something.
I’m in my mid-30s and I like to just watch and enjoy the gig. I don’t mind if it is standing or sitting. Never got the point of thrashing around even when I was younger. However more power to you if that is what floats your boat.

My only exception is Stranger in a Stranger Land. I was getting quite the groove on last year! That main riff is just too funky.
As long as people are not pushing others or invading their personal space, I say let them enjoy the gig in whichever way they prefer!

That being said, gigs are a very sedate affair now compared to when I started going to rock concerts in the early 90s.
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Makes me wonder what's causing the strength in sales more -- the 50th anniversary aspect or the fact they've already announced they're only doing old stuff?

I wonder how Rod and Steve came up with the tour concept:

Rod: “Steve, we are going to have a fookin’ big tour for the 50th anniversary!”
Steve: “Great, we can ‘ave one song from each album and I get to play my acoustic bass”
Rod: “I was thinking instead having a setlist full of fookin’ classics so we can sell out huge venues!”
Steve: “Nah, we’ll play songs from the whole catalogue. If they don’t like that, tough!”
Rod: “Steve, I have booked London Stadium and that is a huge venue!”
Steve: “We’ll play Wrathchild and the oldies then. Up the ‘ Ammers!”
In my circle, the tour is a huge success not so much because of the 80s, but because people don't want to miss it when Maiden put on the biggest show spectacle of all time and different to what we know from them.

But I still have to get used to the strange name. I call the tour “50 years of running to the hills”.
I wonder how Rod and Steve came up with the tour concept:

Rod: “Steve, we are going to have a fookin’ big tour for the 50th anniversary!”
Steve: “Great, we can ‘ave one song from each album and I get to play my acoustic bass”
Rod: “I was thinking instead having a setlist full of fookin’ classics so we can sell out huge venues!”
Steve: “Nah, we’ll play songs from the whole catalogue. If they don’t like that, tough!”
Rod: “Steve, I have booked London Stadium and that is a huge venue!”
Steve: “We’ll play Wrathchild and the oldies then. Up the ‘ Ammers!”

No, we have to make up a conversation how they developed the Part 1 (2025/26) and Part 2 (2027/28) concept .
I appreciate those old folk that have served their time and now hang back, they did their dancing and gave bands the energy they deserved and years and gigs take their toll.

What annoys me is the young folk that have refused to take up the batton and make many gigs like a morgue. Its a damn fact that gigs are not as bouncy or shouty as they used to be. Some are but most aren't. If that suits ye then fair play but personally I mourn the loss.

I've thought long and hard about this and I believe that I am correct. Not old, not biased, just right.

Screaming your lungs out and jumping at a metal gig went out of fashion at some point. I didn't get the memo but if I did I'd probably pish on it.
One main reason is that, compared to 20 years ago where every metal gig from local underground bands to Maiden had mosh pits, is that everyone in the crowd now has a £1,000 computer in their pockets and are afraid to lose it or get it damaged.
I like that there's variety here and I wasn't havin a go at anyone, everyone is entitled to enjoy a gig as they please. It just so happens that I like to go a bit mad and like others to do the same, it's the communal expression of joy that I love, touching strangers, the eye contact, the garbled words in eachothers ears when really it's far too loud to actually hear eachother. I love that connection. Beautiful nonsense.

Sometimes I also like to stand back and feel the band in a different way. I get you all, I appreciate you all and I am one of you all at different times. My point is that it seems to me that there's a gradually declining lack of variety. Seems like most people want to watch and absorb, regardless of age and the amount of crazy cats down the front gets less and less as time goes by.

Maybe it's just my town but I'm my experience it's undeniable.

Down the front used to be for mayhem and nonsense but recently I've found it's populated with people just looking for a good view and they scorn ye for doing your thing, dancing and singing. Used to be that the static people stayed further back. Which is where I go if I wanna be static.

I like to give back to a band, I see it as a reciprocal energy thing. I get that many people are more chill, that's fine, you do you, I'll do me but the point I'm making is that me and my ilk are becoming marginalised and there's less and less of us, very few young crazys coming up.

Each to their own. Maybe I'm in the wrong town. But I know for a fact that the bands mourn the loss of crowd mayhem. The front is for the wild but the wild aren't there. It's not me gettin old, it's crowds getting more sedate. Thats how it is in Belfast anyway. 3 gigs last year in the space of 2 months when the front man mentioned how low energy the crowd was, Electric 6, The Darknes and Rodrigo y Gabirela. I felt disgusted. I'm not makin this up.

Annnnyway, fuck Star Wars, up the Irons.
I don't scream. I've always found that idiotic because you're there to listen. I do dance, though.
I like to sing along. I'm sorry :D

Although I prefer when we're singin together, that's the fun bit. If it's just me then I'll fuck up after the first chorus cos I feel out of place and I feel the eyes boring into my head:edmetal:
Maybe this is just a Scandinavian problem, but big event concerts like Maiden, Bruce Springsteen, Metallica, Bryan Adams and so on, they are flooded with 55+ year old folks who are basically going out for drinking and talking at these shows, they just stop to talk when they play Run to the hills, Summer of 69, Dancing in the dark:facepalm:

Age group irrelevant, I find big name shows attract people of all ages who are there to hang out, talk, ignore the band, and generally act like it's Disneyland (but with beer). That's probably not helped by the ticket prices, come to think of it.

Sightseers wanting to indulge themselves, take selfies, eat a fancy meal, stay somewhere 'nice', knock back a few drinks, and tell everyone you've done the rock n roll experience. The complete entertainment package. Sadly it kills the atmosphere.

When I saw Priest earlier this year, there were 55+ who were there for the music - mostly 60+ Saxon fans actually. The young alternative and rock fans were also there for the music. The entire families and the people there to take in a random show as an alternative to a wine bar not so much

I'm definitely sliding further into the small band, small venue habit.
One main reason is that, compared to 20 years ago where every metal gig from local underground bands to Maiden had mosh pits, is that everyone in the crowd now has a £1,000 computer in their pockets and are afraid to lose it or get it damaged.
Do you think? I don't doubt it but I've not heard such chat from people.
... front is for the wild but the wild aren't there. It's not me gettin old, it's crowds getting more sedate....

I am grateful for this. i don't want to be "touched by strangers" as you wrote who think they can get away with it because "mayhem at a concert".

And I also don't want to have to stay in the back because of that.