What do you guys think, if covid hadn't altered Maiden's plans, would we have still got RFYL in this format?

2020 would have been LOTB third leg with one new song from Senjutsu.
2021-2022 would have been Senjutsu album tour.
2023-2024 would have been Somewhere in Time dedicated tour with other songs from 80's.
So would they have done another tour dedicated to 80's stuff (RFYL tour)?
It seems like so, but still would have been weird to get basically 2 history tours in a row. Maybe they would have branded Somewhere in Time tour differently and also RFYL (more career spanning setlist)?
I'm not sure if we would have gotten such a tour, maybe a new album instead because I doubt they would have done 2 History/Hits tours in a row, but why not, especially now. The theme of the new tour is/will always be possible. Maybe RFYL would have been career spanning or more Reunion-heavy... or a hybrid with a new album?
Makes me wonder what's causing the strength in sales more -- the 50th anniversary aspect or the fact they've already announced they're only doing old stuff?
The band's popularity, the show, 50 years (ofc) and probably/guess the theme.
Wouldn't get my hopes up, that would give them more or less no time off between the end of this tour and the next.
It would be the same recording and touring schedule like for SJ. Plenty of time and they work fast.
I don’t know, I still think Steve is a master at arrangements and has a unique feel for transitions. Hell On Earth and The Parchment being two good examples.
Quoted for truth.
I'd say there was probably more than one time something like that happened, the one I'm thinking of was definitely a metal band, possibly someone like Fred Durst?????
I definitely remember something like that too. I wanna say David Draiman or Corey Taylor? Not sure anymore.
Bruce wants to continue with Iron Maiden. He wrote that retirement sucks in the booklet of his 7th solo album. Steve has said that retirement is not planned now and if the band stops touring intensively, it's possible that it will continue releasing new studio albums regularly. He also said that he and other band members had some music ideas here and there but that they didn't book a studio for now. BUT, it doesn't mean there won't be another studio album in the next years. It just means that they have to find some motivation again and I know they already found this motivation again since the beginning of the 2nd and last leg of The Future Past tour. ;)
I don't think they're planning to retire, but they're aware that anything could happen at any moment in their age. So if everything goes okay, they will continue, but if it doesn't, Run for Your Lives will serve as a good farewell tour.

I think that's why Bruce started touring solo - to (re)build his reputation as Bruce Dickinson, not as the Iron Maiden singer. He could have waited a few years, and taken some time off, but he has spent a lot of time performing under his own name. If Maiden retires soon, there will be a big interest in his solo shows and albums since the recent tour was satisfying.

So while Maiden might retire relatively soon, at least 3 members of the band (Bruce, Steve, Adrian) most likely won't.

I can't really see them making new music and not promoting it. They seem to be more into playing live than writing music.
I have to say though....can you actually mosh to Maiden's music at their current pace? There was a major rugby style ruck driven from one side at the O2 last year. I wouldn't call that moshing, and all it achieved was crushing people at the front before two Polish blokes told them to stop being fuckwits and pushed them back. There was a little bit of jumping, but nothing along the lines of limbs flying thorough the air like the last Gojira show I was at.
I wish I had witnessed this part in the proceedings - I would have liked to have sought out those two gentlemen afterwards and shaken their hands.
Fuck no. We shall not go quietly, us wild humans, we shall rage against the dying of the light, one last time, one for the road, one for the bang of the latch, no sir, we shall not go quietly into the night. Fuck no :shred:
Bruce wants to continue with Iron Maiden. He wrote that retirement sucks in the booklet of his 7th solo album. Steve has said that retirement is not planned now and if the band stops touring intensively, it's possible that it will continue releasing new studio albums regularly.
They don’t want to retire, but I can see at least some of the others could want to retire. Bruce will surely continue his solo career and Steve will continue British Lion for more years even if Maiden call it quits.
Most of the 2025 dates are sold out. Maybe because this tour seems to be a remake of the 2005 Eddie Rips Up? Anyway, this just shows that most people really want to hear only the classics.