Should Maiden follow Judas Priest and go with an all seating setup? Given how there's barely any activity to speak of down the front these days.
Neither of the two Priest arena shows I went to this year were all seated. And whilst the Maiden show I went to had lots of casual passengers it was still lively enough down the front.
If somebody still needs a ticket: There are a lot of tickets available for Berlin II (30 Jul). It does not seem to sell that fast.
I wonder why they decided to tour Germany when Wacken takes place.
This is a fixed event every year for many German metalheads, even if they like Iron Maiden.
No, we have to make up a conversation how they developed the Part 1 (2025/26) and Part 2 (2027/28) concept .

Steve: “‘Appy to play the oldies at West Ham’s home turf, that’s a dream come true. Up the ‘Ammers!”
Rod: “I knew you would fookin’ love it”
Steve: “‘ow about doing another tour later playing stuff from The X Factor onwards? I have plenty of ideas for new songs with the same chord progression!”
Rod (horrified at the prospect of having to play at The Cart and Horses): “We just fookin’ plan two years in advance ‘Arry”
This again, just like with that Bruce rant.

For wit, the last two times I was attending a concert, I had to do so alone and my wife had to remain at home. I was writing on my phone a third of the time, telling he what songs are playing, impressions, fun tidbits and so on, because I missed her and wanted to be in touch. And let her know I'm enjoying it. Sorry, but I paid for the ticket and this is absolutely nobody's business.

He is usually quite rude to people who are sitting at a gig too. He seems to be totally unaware that there might be lots of medical reasons why people have to sit at gigs.
He is usually quite rude to people who are sitting at a gig too. He seems to be totally unaware that there might be lots of medical reasons why people have to sit at gigs.
He wasn't too rude at Helsinki back in 2018 (although we did kinda puzzle his comments over after the gig, in-between bouts of gushing over the sheer ridiculousness of how on top form Bruce and Nicko in particular were), but let me tell ya that there was a practical reason why everyone in the nosebleeds was comfortably seated: the former Hartwall Arena was seemingly designed solely with capacity in mind.

Even walking to get to your seat even after having a few was a bit difficult since if you looked over to the arena floor side, you'd notice the extremely steep angle of the seating arrangement and the massive drop that would follow should you not respect gravity and decide to start jumping around. Nobody got up from their seats as far as I could tell, because there simply wasn't space to stand. So it was a little funny to hear him lightheartedly jab at the people with their asses in the expensive seats. Sure didn't feel like a premium experience to me up there!
I have received an email from “Emilia Fuchs” from myticket:
“50 years of Iron Maiden: The greatest show of all time”. :yey:
No wonder people want to see that.

If somebody still needs a ticket: There are a lot of tickets available for Berlin II (30 Jul). It does not seem to sell that fast.
I wonder why they decided to tour Germany when Wacken takes place. This is a fixed event every year for many German metalheads, even if they like Iron Maiden.

That is indeed odd. I would love to know how this decision was made.