It is a combination of cabaret, the consistent growth in popularity of the band in the final stages of their career, and the possibility of this being their last ever tour.

I personally do not think I will have many opportunities to see the live band again beyond 2025...

Honestly, because the fewer chances to see them in the future (it sucks I had to miss them in 23), I'd actually think about going, despite this being the possibly least appealing tour they could present to me.

However, I'm waiting to see if Nicko will be present (people keep thinking he might step down at the end of the current tour), because I have no intention to see them without him.
At the end of the day, any tout can become a Fan Club member with multiple accounts and buy a significant number of tickets to resell at hugely inflated prices. I cannot think of an easy way to prevent this from happening.
It's forcing them off grid if ticket transfers can only be through the original selling platform. You can definitely get higher prices if buyers are happy to do a risky off-site transactions and pay only part through Ticketmaster. It's going to cut down on some of the market if it's harder and more risky to do, though.