Official American Football Thread

R.I.P. Alex Karras. Though he was a feared and controversial All-Pro defensive lineman, he will always have a place in my heart because of this:

Looking forward to ND v Stanford tomorrow ... Go Irish!


Stanford has won three in a row in this more-historic-than-people-realize rivalry. There is a special trophy for the winner and everything, called the "Legends Trophy." This is it:
This is a really good rivalry, not as famous as others, but it has had a good history. I like NDs chances tomorrow, though Stanford is a really good team and FWIW my favorite Pac 12 team.
It is very simple: the more physical team will win. FWIW, I am nervous about this game. The Irish fans actually think this season can be their return to the mountaintop, and will be crazy loud.
The Irish D has been really good this year, especially the front 7. Look what they did to Miami last week, who are a pretty decent team. Both teams are going to have trouble moving the ball. I think the Irish passing game is a bit better though and they have 3 good RBs
Great game, but Stanford got FFUUUUUCKED by the officials. First, the personal foul call against them on Notre Dame's tying drive was absurd, as the Stanford player went low and led with his shoulder. Second, I don't know what the replay officials were looking at, but Taylor OBVIOUSLY scored a touchdown on that last play. That was a man-style run that got cheated.
Sorry about that... I totally did not get to see that game. Dammit, sounds like it was a good one.
It was a great game

It was a helmet to helmet hit. On the last play, it was a great effort by the RB, but I think his elbow was down before he crossed the goal line
What a day yesterday, ND will be #1 .. I am a bit nervous about the USC game, they are about the last team they want to face, a talented pre season #1 team that has fallen, but can semi-make it's season knocking off the Irish ... the battle for who will be number 2 is real interesting .. Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Alabama .. can Oregon/K-State get back in it (doubt those two) ... and where will Ohio State end up being ranked in the AP poll if they win out.
What a day yesterday, ND will be #1 .. I am a bit nervous about the USC game, they are about the last team they want to face, a talented pre season #1 team that has fallen, but can semi-make it's season knocking off the Irish ... the battle for who will be number 2 is real interesting .. Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Alabama .. can Oregon/K-State get back in it (doubt those two) ... and where will Ohio State end up being ranked in the AP poll if they win out.
I hope Kansas State can get back in it, they're a decent team.
I think K-State is going to be out, because the BCS doesn't want them in. I know, I know, its all determined by a computer. All things being equal, K-State lost it's chance to 'be in it' by losing that game. I wanted to see them in it too, but, alas, I don't see it happening. "Everyone" wants to see ND play one of those SEC teams.

In other news, way for Schwartz to completely hose his team by throwing that flag too soon. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Good win by the Bears today in a must win ... and ND going to the National Championship game .. does not get better for me than that. I am guessing Alabama will be the opponent.

LOL @ the Lions, they really excel at finding new ways to lose, even funnier, the same thing happened last year when Det played San Fran and Harbaugh was penalized for the same thing, I guess Schwartz forgot that. Fox showed footage from last last years' game .. Schwartz was yelling "Learn the fucking rules" to Harbaugh.
And it happened the previous week to Atlanta! However, I saw that the NFL is reviewing that rule and may be making a change before the next week's games. Which shows how bad the rule is.