Official American Football Thread


Well lets discuss American Football. They have their own Football thread, so I though why not make one for the people who like American Football, lots of big games this weekend, so, shall we? B)
Finally! I'm a bit disgusted right now with this football season as I'm a Redskins fan and they're just stinking up the place over the last month. They looked so strong earlier in the year. A loss to Baltimore this weekend and that's it I'm afraid.

I, of course, am looking forward to the Steelers kicking the Cowboys asses but the game that will take the weekend is the Tampa/Carolina game; that one will be great.

Didn't even bother with more than 5 minutes of the game last night.
Last nights game sucked.  Gates didn't score me one fantasy point, so I might kick him off my team.  And I hate both the Chargers and Raiders (much as D&N must hate the rest of the NFC East).

Bucs/Panthers will be a great game!  I'm also looking forward to the Atlanta/NO game (thats this weekend, right?)

Of course, I'm hoping that the Chiefs will put another big one on the Broncos....
I need NO to beat the hell out of Atlanta and hope the Chiefs lay the smackdown on Denver. I have always hated the Broncos, don't quite know why.
Me too!!!  Tho, I just can't stand anyone else in the AFC West conf....

I love watching NO win!  It's great how well Atlanta is rebounding, but I am a huge fan of Drew Brees, so I like seeing them do well.

And I love to see the Cowboys get killed any chance.
Well, the three frontrunners for the last NFC playoff spot are Dallas, Washington and Atlanta and Dallas and Atlanta stand a good chance of losing this week. Of course the Redskins have a hard game coming up against Baltimore too but I think we can take them.
Re: Official American Footb*** Thread

Great to see some fans posting, awesome! I am a Vikings fan, and what a turnaround our team has had the past couple of weeks. Lets just say I can't wait until Sunday. :)
I was happy to see the Vikes beat the Bears... tho, I'm wondering what'll happen with this pending suspension.
Re: Official American Footb*** Thread

Well first of ***, I think the Vikes will come out with a better record than 8-8 person***y, I'm not about to make predictions though. :lol:

Also with the suspensions, the league screwed up in not letting the players know that the banned substance was in the product (StarCaps). Plus, why would 300+ pound lineman do steroids? :P
I quite like the Steelers and I dislike the Cowboys (for some arbitrary reason) so I hope Roethlisberger puts on a good show this weekend. Also, go Atlanta and my favorite rookie Matt Ryan (yeah, I only root for them because he went to BC :P). Personally I'd love to see the Eagles upset the NY Giants, but it's pretty unlikely. Sunday at any rate should be a great game day, as well as Saturday for all the college football fans out there.
Natalie said:
I quite like the Steelers and I dislike the Cowboys (for some arbitrary reason) so I hope Roethlisberger puts on a good show this weekend. Also, go Atlanta and my favorite rookie Matt Ryan (yeah, I only root for them because he went to BC :P). Personally I'd love to see the Eagles upset the NY Giants, but it's pretty unlikely. Sunday at any rate should be a great game day, as well as Saturday for all the college football fans out there.

I like the Falcon's also-- tho I understand D&N's reason for wanting them to loose.  I always liked Doug Flutie (BC, rite?).

My buddy is a huge Steelers fan, I'll enjoy watching them take apart the 'Boys.
Yep Doug Flutie was a BC Eagle. I also sympathize with the Saints (I rooted for them in their game against the Redskins a week or so ago) mainly because of hurricane Katrina and all that New Orleans has had to suffer for since then, but Mattie Ryan wins over Katrina on this one.
Natalie said:
Yep Doug Flutie was a BC Eagle. I also sympathize with the Saints (I rooted for them in their game against the Redskins a week or so ago) mainly because of hurricane Katrina and all that New Orleans has had to suffer for since then, but Mattie Ryan wins over Katrina on this one.

I need Drew Brees to throw for about 350 yards and 3 touchdowns....

Jordan said:
I need the Steelers to knock off the Cowboys. :bigsmile:

...and I need Romo to throw many interceptions, not touchdowns, and stay below 250 yards.

Fantasy football is a bitch.
Hehe, lots of Denver haters out there. Can't blame ya. I don't care one way or another about the team, but I don't like most of their fans.

I grew up in Wisconsin, and I'm a lifelong Packers fan. So one day I was at the bus stop at Josephine & Colfax, waiting for the 15. (For those outside Denver: one of the busiest stops in the city, and the 15 is the busiest route.) And I was wearing a Packers T-shirt. A tall, burly fella started giving me shit, and his friends were about to join in. And I don't mean mere insults. There was a vibe that I was about to be beaten down. At that moment a bus pulled up, and I got on to get away. Luckily it was my bus, but I'd have hopped on any bus to get away.

And in 2000, when Maiden played Red Rocks, I went to the show wearing a Packers T-shirt. I had every intention of changing to a Maiden shirt as soon as I bought one - but the lady at the gate checking my ticket almost refused to let me in because she didn't like my Packers shirt. She said it should have been a Broncos shirt.

Screwy Donkey fans can go bite a fat one. :bigsmile:
Denver fans.... I can't stand them either. 

I have friends that live in Denver, and they aren't that bad-- but the 'true believers' are uncool.