Official American Football Thread

All we had to do was beat the Raiders, and it would be an AFC West title showdown in the Mile High city. But no, we get two field goals blocked (granted, 50-something yarders). Meh.

And, yet again, Wasted wins his Fantasy Football League!
At least the Chiefs can avenge Orton and bury Tebow-mania once and for all. So we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
Yes, I really do hope that happens!

Though, Tebow or now, its really difficult for KC to win in Denver. :S
Greetings all! I am a Texans fan ..well... Houston Oiler fan since the late 70' they're the Texans of course..We finally made the playoffs this year but have losing for the last month and a half.:mad: will be exciting to have a playoff game in Houston again this coming weekend but the way they're playing doesnt fill me with hope....I did get some sadistic pleasure from having the Cowboys beaten and denied the playoffs on national television...:cool: sad I know...
Glad to see the Texans make it ... too bad Schaub got hurt, they would have had a shot to go far.
The Fiesta Bowl. Went from over-the-top joy to rage in exactly 3 seconds. Basically the worst way possible to lose a football game. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. At least I was drunk.
That was a good game, as was the Michigan game last night There have been quite a few good Bowl games this year.
Yeah that Stanford game was painful...all was going their way until the coach decided to be a total idiot and not go for the touchdown with plenty of time and 3 timeouts. But it was entertaining, there's no denying that. Given some of the great bowl games so far I'm really doubting the championship game can top it...after all, it'll just be defense, defense, defense (which is fine, just a lot less exciting).
You have to give Tebow credit, he torched one of the best defenses in football. They lined up 8 in the box and dared him the beat them with his arm and he did. I also think this shows why Polamalu is one of the most over rated players in football, he makes big plays, but he gives up a ton of them biting on run fakes and trying to make the big play. Better discipline at the safety position would have helped Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh was beat up, but they gave Tebow's arm zero respect and it bit them hard.
Tebow played a hell of a game - but it wasn't just him. It was the entire Denver offense that lit up that team, and it was still a close one. Overall? He's certainly improving as a QB, but his stats aren't the best yet. We'll see if he can maintain it (I doubt it, pretty sure NE is going to savage the Broncos).

As an aside, every time he scores/throws for a touchdown, I donate to Planned Parenthood. Picked that up from someone on Twitter and I like it.
Sure, in football (and any sport really), it is always a team effort. Though more than any sport, the QB tends to get too much credit/blame. The wideouts got separation from man coverage and Tebow hit them, the element Tebow adds to the game is teams play them man much more than normal to prevent the run (not just Tebow, but Mcahee and Bell are good runners and the O-Line blocks well).

It really is a throwback to a combo of 1950s/60s style NFL ball combined with 70s Raiders vertical passing game.

I could give a crap about Tebow's beliefs, to me his is just like Dennis Rodman was with the Bulls ... people have a strong opinion on him one way or another moreso based on what he does off the field versus on it. Rodman was a better basketball player than Tebow is a football player at this point for sure, but I think the analogy still holds.
Regardless of how you feel about Tebow's skill/beliefs, he sure does deliver a thrilling game. That last play in OT was marvelous to watch. It has to be said, however, that the Steelers were incredibly banged up and I was surprised they managed to take the game to OT. Who knows what will happen next week but if NE just stick to their usual game then I think they'll be fine. As for the NFC, my money is on the Saints to beat SF and then to beat the Packers :)O, I know, I said it). In fact, I think its looking more and more like a NE v NO superbowl. Everything can change, but thats how I feel about it.
Oh, Tebow is making a believer out of me - that he's a good quarterback, that is. I just don't think he deserves a free pass for being a good boy Christian in terms of what he's like off the field. I think he's a good, humble kid who is developing into a good QB - or is getting extremely lucky, as with anything like this, only time will tell properly.

In one aspect, he's a true winner: he's got the Broncos playing like a true team. Which is fairly rare in football and usually means good leadership. I'd take him in my pool but I wouldn't take him out for a beer. Let's put it that way.
Tebow mania is obscuring the fact that the Houston Texans whipped the Bengals and now face the formidable Baltimore Ravens...! The Denver - Pitt game was awesome though..! IF Tebow were to slay the Brady-dragon AND my Texans were to beat the Ravens the championship game would be in Houston! I think the Texans have the tools but the Ravens have the tools and the intangible advantages ..home field, experience, media-hype that they are "tough" name a few..we'll see....! Personally, I like Tebow...he's an unwanted misfit in the NFL ... just MHO of course... Good luck to all the teams... may no one get hurt too badly and the best competitor win...Up The Irons!
I'm still not sure Tebow is that good a QB -- the Pittsburgh defensive strategy was idiotic last week -- but he's a competitive sonofagun so I like that about him, and I can't tell whether he's really seeking out all the attention he's getting, but I think probably not, so I like that too. I think his storybook run may end this weekend, though, but I'd like to see them give the Patriots a good game.

The only team I really want to lose this weekend is the Giants -- they stank all year, yet the ESPN talking heads have anointed them Super Bowl favorites simply because they just beat up an inept Falcons team. I expect Aaron Rodgers and the Packers, who have been laying low since clinching the top playoff seed shortly after Thanksgiving, will have something to say about that.

The LSU-Alabama national title game was a joke. What an embarrassing showing by LSU. Combined with the first matchup earlier this season, they played nearly 8 full quarters before someone scored a touchdown. Ugh.
Cornfed Hick...couldn't have said it better myself, agree on all three counts. The games I am most excited for are actually today: SF v NO and Tebow v Brady. I am sort of assuming that the Pack will put the Giants in their place and personally I think Houston and Baltimore don't really deserve to advance but one of them has to so we'll see.
I think, (with all due respect to Houston fans) that the Ravens aren't that bad of a team. They are 'throw back' to the glory days of strong defense and a solid running game. Much like what Denver really is-- not a throwing team, but a running team with solid D. In reality, is Flaco that much better than Tebow at QB? I personally don't think so. I don't think that either of them is in the top 1/3 of QB's in the league, at least in QB rating, completion %, etc. But, they are on teams that give them a chance to win. My guess is a Ravens/Pats AFC Championship game and a Saints/Packers rematch... and that could be a really good one! I'd love a Saints/Ravens Super Bowl.