Official American Football Thread

The Stanford-Oregon game promises to be a good one, although sadly Stanford have been plagued with injuries recently. Time for Luck to show (yet again) what he's made of.
Oh the Jets. Just when you thought teams were being upset and inconsistent all over the place...they still deliver mediocrity. :D
Madonna was announced as the Super Bowl halftime act on Sunday night, meaning the average age of Super Bowl performers since Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" is 54.8 years old.
The Superbowl has gotten exponentially worse both games AND half-time shows AND freakin' 10 hour "Team America, Fuck Yeah!" pregame shows....
....and the Cowboys topsy-turvy season continues with the Giants this week.  Big game, and I am still disgruntled by last weekend's shameful debacle.
That was one weird game between the Browns and Steelers...both QB hurt, no touchdowns. Can I just say that the receivers for the Browns are crap, I know Colt McCoy gets a lot of crap but who can blame him when none of his receivers can catch a ball?
So, two things.

First, KC has nothing to lose this weekend. But, they will lose the game.

Second, I hate the Broncos, but Tebow is pretty ok in my book. Tons of haters, but you can't argue with success. Will defenses figure him out? Sure. But 7-1 is a pretty damn good record before they do.
Once again, I eeked into the playoffs-- the last team to make it in.  And, once again, I've made it to the finals. I was 2nd place in 08, then first in 09 and 10.  They moved up the playoffs/finals a week, so that the 'good' players weren't resting the last game of the season, and I still beat the number one ranked team!

So, the Chiefs have lost to a no-win team, and beat an undefeated team.  What a wild season.  No one in the NFC East wants to take that title.  AZ fans still think they are going to win the Super Bowl.  Chi-town fans hated Jay Cutler until he was lost for the season.  Vick is back and the Eagles can still possibly make it in(?).  SF looks like a pretty solid team.  No one wants to win in the AFC North.  And, Indy is trying to win themselves out of the Luck-bowl.

And, after all that, it could end up another GB/NE Super Bowl. 
Cutler is God :) .... for the record though, I always liked him.  He is a really good QB, it would be nice if they gave him some better players to work with.

Went to the game last week, Hanie is just horrible.  He looks worst in person than on TV.  Glad they are starting McCown to at least see if he is a viable backup for next year.
Yeah, I know of other fans that like him.  I was kinda jabbing at the Chicago media, which was on his ass since the NFC Title game last year... Cutler is this and he is that and what a whiney grouchy guy.  But he is what made that team a contender (mostly).

I think one of the largest problems in the NFL is a severe lack of QB talent; at least at backup.  Also, I think too many teams have relied on their QB to make them win.  The well balanced team is what is going to win... not that flash in the pan, 35 points a game team.  (IMO)
Look no further than the Colts for proof of this, teams need something to fall back on if the QB is hurt or just having a bad game or two.
Yep, that was a team that was built around Manning scoring and driving.. less time on the field for a mediocre defense and the game is fine.  the Pats are one of the few teams that had been able to live without its QB (Cassel of a few years back), but I don't think even they can survive that now.  Probably, the Ravens, the Niners, .... that may be about it right now. 