Official American Football Thread

Well lets discuss

Well lets discuss American Football. They have their own Football thread, so I though why not make one for the people who like American Football, lots of big games this weekend, so, shall we?
bearfan said:
I want to try to go hit a Texas A&M game this year, it is a great campus with some great traditions.
My wife is an Aggie, so I have been to Kyle Field a couple of times.  It's very unique, though some of the "yells" (cheers) are pretty strange, my favorite is "Farmers Fight!"

You should definitely go, one of the best places to see a college football game.  Bring a date, because one of the traditions is to kiss your date after every A&M score.  Also go to midnight yell practice the night before the game. I can't agree that it's a nice campus, though  -- a Kansas Univ. blog had a great line: College Station, TX is the place where color goes to die.  Pretty spot on, it's a very brown place. 

Bearfan must live in or near Denton; my wife grew up there. 
I am about 20 miles south of Denton (moved here 9 years ago from CA, before that in IL).

We went to A&M to look at the campus with my son who is looking to go there, I liked the part where they have the mascots buried outside the football stadium and they built a scoreboard so they can see the score.  Certainly a very tradition oriented place, even if he does not go there, I do want to go to a game there at some point. 

Speaking of Denton, the University of North Texas, not exactly a football powerhouse after Mean Joe Greene left, just opened a really nice new football stadium, walked around it a few weeks ago when I was in there area, going to hit a game there in a few weeks when they play Indiana.
That Michigan-Notre Dame game was...interesting.  Both teams stink, but that last 90 seconds was pretty damn amazing. 
In my opinion, having watched a lot of college football with terrible teams when I was at university, the most interesting games are the ones with miserable teams.
I am an ND fan, it was a good game, but not happy at all with the outcome.

Today on the other hand, was a very impressive win by the Bears (as 3 point home dogs) ... the Defense played great.
Colts looked bad. Maybe even bad enough to get the first draft pick, and get someone to replace Manning. What a piece of Luck that might be. ::)
Wästed The Great said:
KC looked horrible.  Against the Bills!

I'm not impressed....  <_<

It's been a long time since I've admitted this publicly  ;) but I'm a Bills fan.

I can't remember the last time they've dominated by that much.
That really would be .. if the Colts are way out of it when Manning can come back, I would think about telling him to get ready for next year, try to draft Luck and let him play behinf Manning next season.
Story has had it that Harbaugh wants Luck, but I don't know if that'll happen. I don't think the Colts will suck enough to get him.
I think pretty much everyone wants Luck ... The Colts showed the potential to suck that bad, their offense is so geared around Manning and his skills, they do not have much (like a running game when people expect the run) to fall back on ... I can see them as a 3 win team minus Manning for the whole year.    The 49ers are probably too good to get Luck (obviously a trade could always happen)
It's conceivable that the Chiefs won't win a single game.  Assuming Manning stays out, the Chiefs Colts matchup could be called the Get Luck Bowl.
Wow. What a week so far! KC wins against the luckless Vikes. Eagles lose late to San Fran? Go Harbaugh!! I really like that. Redskins are leading the NFC East while Philly is in the basement?  I expected the wheels to fall off Dallas' wagon, but Detroit coming back twice from large deficits is amazing! The two un-defeateds are in the NFC North!  Sorry, SMX, know you are a Pack fan, but Detroit is looking awesome, too. I had thought seeing the Pats lose to Buffalo was big last week, but this is pretty wild this week. And, this SNF game is just crazy to start!

I'm a happy football fan this week.
Two straight for the Chiefs, which is nice, though I'd almost rather them be a player in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. 