Official American Football Thread

Yea I do that with friends sometimes. Fantasy Football seems kind of complicated, but I've always wanted to try it, so I'll probably participate in a maidenfans one.
Cornfed Hick said:
Hee, hee.  As I noted above, there is this perception that Ochocinco has character issues, but that's unfounded -- he really doesn't.  He's stayed out of legal trouble, unlike virtually every other big-name WR out there, and he hasn't really been disruptive in the locker room.  Did he clash heads with Mike Brown, the Bengals' owner?  Sure, but nothing like what Carson Palmer is going through now, and by all accounts Brown is the problem, not the players.  Did he get fined a couple of times for excessive TD celebrations?  Sure, and God bless him for that. Is he a shameless self-promoter?  Sure, but so is Peyton Manning.  And like Manning, Ochocinco is legitimately funny.  All in all, Ochocinco seems like a good teammate.  I think the Patriots pulled a major coup, even if he is past his prime physically. 
Unrelated point:  Is there critical mass for a Maidenfans fantasy football league?  I'm in a league with my college buddies, but could probably handle another.  Probably not enough folks: only bearfan, Wasted, Mosh and I seem to be posting here lately.  But can't hurt to ask. 

I guess you are right, he is more of a self promoter, that is the kind of player the Bears (with the exception of when Wandstedt was coach) the Bears have tried to stay away from.  In some cases it was a good move, in others it has hurt them.  The McCaskeys are more old school.

I would be game for a FF league if there are enough people.
Wasted The Great said:
And Moss retires? 

I think this is a negotiating ploy:  "Eff you, if no one will pay me $5M a year [or whatever] then I just won't play."  Some WR will get hurt in the preseason, and Moss will be back.  Mark my words. 
I have to say, I like this abbreviated off season (FA and Draft Pick Signings) ... too bad they could not do this every year :)
@Cornfed, I agree- someone will need him. After a couple games, someone will need extra help. Haha, could you imagine Philly getting into the mix!?

And, yeah, I really like the flurry of activity going on. But now I really want some games!
I saw about 2 minutes of the KC game. Didn't sound too good. I'm curious to see if TO finds a home soon.
Roger Goodell's decision re Terrelle Pryor is just weird. 
Wasted The Great said:
Perfect fit, TO in KC!

This will never happen.  It goes against Scott Pioli's entire philosophy of building a team around good-character guys.  Plus, apparently he and Todd Haley hate each other over an incident that happened when they were both with the Cowboys.
That doesn't surprise me (the TO/Haley thing).  And, you are correct; I like that concept, of a 'team' rather than a group of guys and a few super stars.

As far as that QB goes... I don't even know what to expect any more.  They said that he we against what the NFL believes (the whole agent and other fiasco at OSU), then said he could play.

I was really hoping he would have to sit out for a year and try to get into the draft next year.
That is the real problem with NCAA voilations, the people who end up getting punished are not the ones guitly of the violations as they move onto the NFL, other coaching jobs, or become a TV analyst.  I guess I give the NFL credit for enforcing the 5 game suspension,
Clearly, they knew it was deserved. I had heard the NFLPA suggested appealing that decision, but Rosenhaus (sp?) Said they were happy.

Also, here's to 'The U' getting the death penalty. Just like bearfan said, 10 years of student athletes that are gone have likely ruined some current students hopes.
I hope the suspension is upheld and that this sets a precedent for others coming out of school that did something like this.  I do not think Pryor was going to get selected very high anyway in the supplemental draft, but not being able to play or practice with the team for the first 5 weeks means this will be a lost season for him and devalue him (and the amount of money he gets) even further.

USC is another example, they are on probation and Reggie Bush is making bank in the NFL, Pete Carrol is coaching in Seattle, but the majority of the USC team today that did nothing wrong are on probation.  I am not 100% sure what the solution is, but the current system does not work.  Though I think the Pryor suspension carrying over to the NFL might be a good start, though I tend to doubt the NFL could/would suspend Bush, and the list of names that is about to come out at the U (though I would give Devin Hester a pass :)  )
I got to see opening day - Iowa Hawkeyes- I hafta say, that was a total blast!! We tailgated from 8 til 11, then got rained on most of the game. I love football, and this was way too awesome!!
The game has an atmosphere that is different from an NFL game. Its like the enthusiasm of a rock concert for 8 hours.
I want to try to go hit a Texas A&M game this year, it is a great campus with some great traditions.  Nearer to home, the University of North Texas (Sunbelt Conference) just build a great new stadium, might go see them play Indiana in a few weeks.