Free Man
Motherfucker, you made me break my self-imposed rule of not hitting the like button on posts older than a few days at most.
You didn't. For that old Ghost's post you hit the laugh button muahahaha

Motherfucker, you made me break my self-imposed rule of not hitting the like button on posts older than a few days at most.
Dear God...I've never thought I was going to see this during a Maiden concert (first 2 minutes)
You nailed that one, sir.but hey, at least the colonies are safe this year.
That's it... you nailed it! Next tour I want Senjutsu Eddie showing up during Darkest Hour with a cigar in his mouth (lit, of course), a puppet English Bulldog by his side , as a chair and a table with a tea service ascend from the ground. He then remains seated for the rest of the song with a thoughtful and apprehensive pose (a la Rodin's The Thinker). He's only allowed a couple of taps on the puppet dog and three make belief sips of tea before he leaves slowly with both hands behind his back.Pardon my ESLEddie usually appears during more upbeat, uplifting songs or song sections (like in TBOS), not heavy or moody ones. Was there ever Remember tomorrow Eddie or Hallowed Eddie? And by the way, the overt seriousness and lack of lighthearted material is what I miss the most in TXF, AMOLAD etc. Guess also the Maiden hapiness factor is very personal, otherwise Jan wouldn't dance to WTWWB, and to Davey they're all happy
Yeah, I think some mystical/battle sounds will be a good addition. Or a video intro for the album tour (like the one for TBOS tour) - that would be great.Also transition from Doctor Doctor straight into thud-thud and opening riff of Senjutsu is a bit unusual. Nothing to set the mood and create additional tension.
That's true. He also never appeared at the end of a song before and during the 1st song in the set.Eddie usually appears during more upbeat, uplifting songs or song sections (like in TBOS), not heavy or moody ones.
Yeah, I think some mystical/battle sounds will be a good addition. Or a video intro for the album tour (like the one for TBOS tour) - that would be great.
That's true. He also never appeared at the end of a song before and during the 1st song in the set.
Next you'll be telling me the "in a country churchyard" line in Empire of the Clouds wasn't actually inspired by Chris de Burgh's "In a Country Churchyard".
I saw that change in Hyvinkää Rockfest (due to the show being in sunny Finnish evening) and it worked remarkably well. Very smooth all the way and like true professionals.
Yeah, following Senjutsu & some posts about Darkest Hour I can see the controversy now. Quite a cynic he was.
I heard he once said something like "We will fight until the last Indian soldier" but I couldn't find that quote. Are you aware of it?
Definitely one of the reasons. Also, as a advertisement for upcoming Senjutsu tour.The cynic in me thinks that Eddie appears during the first song to keep the audience engaged…
I think it may be more like wanting to keep making a splash for the opening song since Aces and the Spitfire were moved to the encore.The cynic in me thinks that Eddie appears during the first song to keep the audience engaged…
No, sorry. Churchill has been quoted saying 'I hate the Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion', so I am sure he probably had loads of other awful quotes about Indians.
Adrian and Janick both play chorus in Senjutsu, while Davey only chords.The melody under the chorus in Senjutsu is played only by Adrian or by Adrian and Janick?
The melody in the outro is played by the Three Amigos, I guess.
That was my initial thought as well, since it's so odd for Maiden to put him in the opening song. Maybe during rehearsals they realized it needed something extra to energize the crowd, since the song itself miiiiiiight not do the job.The cynic in me thinks that Eddie appears during the first song to keep the audience engaged…
Oddly enough I feel the same way about The Red and the Black. For me most of the first 5 minutes is unnecessary but then around the 4:45 mark transitions into something so beautiful and triumphant that it makes my Top 15 Maiden favorites.But during the last album tour Eddie appeared during Book of souls (the song), which in my opinion consists from 5 minutes of nothing happening....before anything happens at all