Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

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100% agreed. I'd even go further... After listening to a ton of clips from TFP tour I think the last time he sounded noticeably better was the Maiden England Tour. In some tracks he sounds way less raspy (WOTW and Wasted Years are great examples). And let me say I was really concerned with Bruce's capability of still pulling off tracks like CSIT. The fact is he can still do it quite well.
He's superhuman
Next year's tour is either 50th anniversary tour or an epics tour.
...or something else. They could revisit Powerslave or Seventh Son again, they could do another hybrid sort of tour, we don't really know anything at this point.

I know Bruce has said that an epics tour would be cool, but in the same interview he also talked about playing Number of the Beast in its entirety, it seems like people are forgetting that hypothetical in favor of the more appealing idea he threw out there. In any case, they were both clearly hypotheticals and I think the greater point was that they have a lot of options for future tour ideas.

If we want to go crazy with speculation, I personally think the next tour is going to be called Live After Death tour and will revisit the Powerslave stage. Instead of the Somewhere Back In Time approach of a general 80s grab bag, I think they will predominantly base the setlist on the Live After Death album the way the Maiden England tour sourced from the video of the same name. That puts all the classics in the mix plus some less common songs that the band clearly want to revisit or have revisited every few years in the past: Rime, Powerslave, Children of the Damned, Phantom of the Opera, Die With Your Boots On. They will inevitably bring in a couple songs that weren't on LAD, so that gets you Fear of the Dark and maybe an excuse to throw in Seventh Son of a Seventh Son since there seems to be interest in bringing that one back as well. I think it lines up reasonably well with the way the band has operated in the last decade or so and checks off some boxes that have been hinted at before (bringing back Rime, strong rumors of a Powerslave tour, the LAD 40th anniversary).

That's all going off nothing, which makes it perfect for this thread (or a Metal Pilgrim video). :D
Adrian said that was their worst opening show ever also due to the technical problems they had.

If we judge by their performances on a opening night, then Nicko should've retired after messing up Murders in the Rue Morgue in 2005.
I think people read too much into this clip. Think about the context of the gig. It was the first night of a tour where they are playing songs that haven’t been played for decades or ever in a live setting. Adrian was also in the spotlight for much of the show. He sounded nervous during the middle section of ATG. He was probably looking forward to playing Wasted Years (a song he can do in his sleep), and there was a mistake. I think most people would be frustrated if something they normally find easy goes wrong!
Well, how about you showing me a version of CSIT or Trooper from 2023 that isn't absolute trash then?
Before I click, I'm confused.

What was wrong with the drumming in the Bayley performances of The Trooper in 1995-1998? I'm aware there was a baritone vocalist up front being forced to sing out of his natural range but Nicko was still in his prime then and wasn't the problem..
No, you misunderstand me. I said, 'This version is almost as bad as the Bayley performance from the South American leg in 1996,' meaning that this is the poorest performance of 'The Trooper' by Iron Maiden since 1996. It wasn't because of Nicko back then; it was because of Blaze!
I know I'm in the minority on this, but revisiting LAD/Powerslave is probably the least exciting thing they could do and I'd be genuinely disappointed. Please, anything but that. Though the Early Days set would be even worse, making it a worst case scenario for me.
...ou outra coisa. Eles poderiam revisitar Powerslave ou Seventh Son novamente, eles poderiam fazer outra turnê híbrida, nós realmente não sabemos nada neste momento.

Eu sei que Bruce disse que uma turnê épica seria legal, mas na mesma entrevista ele também falou sobre tocar Number of the Beast na íntegra, parece que as pessoas estão esquecendo essa hipótese em favor da ideia mais atraente que ele lançou. De qualquer forma, ambas eram claramente hipotéticas e eu acho que o ponto principal é que eles têm muitas opções para ideias de turnês futuras.

Se quisermos enlouquecer com especulações, eu pessoalmente acho que a próxima turnê vai se chamar Live After Death tour e revisitará o palco Powerslave. Em vez da abordagem Somewhere Back In Time de um saco de surpresas geral dos anos 80, acho que eles basearão predominantemente o setlist no álbum Live After Death, da mesma forma que a turnê Maiden England se originou do vídeo de mesmo nome. Isso coloca todos os clássicos na mistura, além de algumas músicas menos comuns que a banda claramente quer revisitar ou revisitou a cada poucos anos no passado: Rime, Powerslave, Children of the Damned, Phantom of the Opera, Die With Your Boots On. Eles inevitavelmente trarão algumas músicas que não estavam no LAD, então isso lhe dá Fear of the Dark e talvez uma desculpa para jogar Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, já que parece haver interesse em trazê-la de volta também. Acho que isso se alinha razoavelmente bem com a maneira como a banda tem operado na última década e preenche alguns requisitos que já foram sugeridos antes (trazer o Rime de volta, fortes rumores de uma turnê Powerslave, o 40º aniversário do LAD).

Tudo isso não dá em nada, o que o torna perfeito para este tópico (ou um vídeo do Metal Pilgrim).:D
Você poderia me dizer onde foi dada essa entrevista sobre tocar o número da besta na íntegra?
The fact is that Maiden has done basically every realistic tour concept. They have revisited every era from the 80s and, over the course of the reunion, they have hit the majority of songs that were played back in the 80s. They’re not going to do a 90s themed tour and while I wouldn’t rule out a tour focusing on the reunion era, I don’t think the next tour will be it. The only thing left is to double dip on nostalgia tours they’ve done already, Powerslave makes sense.
No, you misunderstand me. I said, 'This version is almost as bad as the Bayley performance from the South American leg in 1996,' meaning that this is the poorest performance of 'The Trooper' by Iron Maiden since 1996. It wasn't because of Nicko back then; it was because of Blaze Steve for hiring a guy with an obviously smaller range than Bruce, yet boneheadedly not downtuning the older material to accommodate that smaller range!
Fixed that for you. ;)
Well, I'm kinda sure that the next tour won't be Clive-recorded tracks heavy. Clive did a lot of things that would be hard for Nicko to play currently (going from what Nicko has stated). Lots of cross handed drumming, snare rolls and non typical fills, which are hard for Nicko at this point.

I think the tour theme/setlist isn't set in stone at this point (although they have some ideas). But will be in a month or two.
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