Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

It's always funny how you criticize the manager who brought an anti-media Metal band to the top of the world without selling out.
OK, but I think Iron Maiden's undisputed success (commercial and artistic) is the result of incredible hard work, creating their own musical and visual approach, and the devotional LOYALTY of their fanbase. Not just aggressive marketing campaigns and constant promotion in mainstream media. If IM had the same management as Metallica they would be even much bigger, especially in America.
What exactly would be better if Maiden were more popular than they are now?
I imagine tickets would cost more, they would be harder to get, boys themselves would have more hassle with their everyday lives etc

The boys would also get more money :D

Jokes aside, it's simply in the nature of bands getting bigger and bigger. Of course they will never get Taylor Swift big (well, actually if Trooper gets trending on Tik Tok for absolutely no reason who knows), but Maiden is already getting more popular as the years go by. Just imagine telling a fan in 2003 that they would've sell out 3 stadiums in Germany in the time span of a month.
If IM had the same management as Metallica they would be even much bigger, especially in America.

Which is my point: they're big and they don't have to play at Jimmy Fallon's (or whatever) or spending tons of money in marketing. This all adds up to Rod being a great manager. I mean, Maiden is one of the few bands which went downhill and then they became bigger than ever.
What exactly would be better if Maiden were more popular than they are now?
I imagine tickets would cost more, they would be harder to get, boys themselves would have more hassle with their everyday lives etc
This is the other side of the story? Generally, if you wanna play metal it's not the best decision to be incredibly popular artist in the masses (apart from metalheads, of course). Finally, you play this kind of music 'cos you really love it!
Which is my point: they're big and they don't have to play at Jimmy Fallon's (or whatever) or spending tons of money in marketing. This all adds up to Rod being a great manager. I mean, Maiden is one of the few bands which went downhill and then they became bigger than ever.
On behalf of myself, I consider many things around Metallica to be way too commercially and mainstream-oriented. So the same as in the case of big pop stars. Some people even call Americans "Popallica". :) Anyway - all about Maiden you're pretty damn RIGHT!
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well, actually if Trooper gets trending on Tik Tok for absolutely no reason who knows
I agree with the rest of your comment, but this part is quite literally impossible. Whether one likes Taylor Swift or not, she's one of the most succesful artists in the world, became a billionaire and her current world tour is the highest-grossing tour in the history of the industry.

Maiden are huge and they are legends, but they aren't even the most succesful rock and metal band, let alone artists in general if we include other genres. Artists like Taylor Swift are on an entirely differente level (popularity wise, no judgement on the music itself).
Artists like Taylor Swift are on an entirely differente level (popularity wise, no judgement on the music itself).
Swift is great (good vocalist, writes cool four chord songs, with personal lyrics that millions relate to that the producers help turn into massive pop anthems), although I prefer her country rock stuff more to her later pop ("1989" is brilliant throughout). I caught her live show in Stockholm recently, and it was nothing short of spectacular.
I watched her movie but I just can't understand why she's so big, apart from having a brilliant management. To me, her songs sound so flat and trivial. Anyway I'm used to Maiden and Metal so I'm surely not that objective.
Let's just say her fans were louder and more enthusiastic than any throng of Metal fans I've encountered at any gig.

I've been (brought out) to a local artist once, one of those who came out from contests and stuff. It was a small club, probably not even 300 people in the crowd. It was basically all teenage girls. To this day it's probably the loudest crowd I've ever seen, and I've been to 100k+ crowd concerts :D
Swift is great (good vocalist, writes cool four chord songs, with personal lyrics that millions relate to that the producers help turn into massive pop anthems), although I prefer her country rock stuff more to her later pop ("1989" is brilliant throughout). I caught her live show in Stockholm recently, and it was nothing short of spectacular.
I'm a big fan of her first few records, in particular Fearless and Speak Now. Red was a bit hit and miss and 1989 turned me off (good pop songs, not what I was looking for). Apparently the recent albums and particularly Folklore and Evermore seem to be genuinely good albums that I would enjoy, but I haven't gotten around to listening to them. Some of her lyrics are pretty witty and I'm a fan of the vocal arrangements and harmonies in many of her songs. It's not particularly "deep" music, but it's fun every once in a while.

That said, her current tour is an enormous undertaking and even if someone dislikes her music, they'd have to respect the effort. She plays more than 3 hours every show with songs from the entire catalogue + a couple of surprise songs for each concert that aren't played on other dates.
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Maybe a stupid question but I have never seen any footage. Are there live musicians on stage or is this tapes + she sings?
Maybe a stupid question but I have never seen any footage. Are there live musicians on stage or is this tapes + she sings?
She has a band. Sometimes they are on stage, sometimes they are playing from the side of the gigantic LED screen and not meant to be seen. And then there are tracks, of course.
I would honestly rather have new music and a tour than yet another official history. We have Running Free, 12 Wasted Years, Run to the Hills, In Profile, The Early Days and the other two documentaries, please give it a rest. The History series was a great plan, I wish they'd followed it through, they didn't, crying shame, but please move on.
Ofc we all want a new album (Maiden don't seem to be in a hurry, or it just seems that way), but a documentary to go along with the new tour will be a special bonus. It's something, and especially for the 90's era. Yeah, they will repeat most of the things that have already been said about the 80's era, but for the other albums and tours, I'm really curious to hear the band's opinions and memories. I guess it will be 120 minutes or a little more. 45-50 minutes on parts (80's, 90's, Reunion era - or: 1975-1981/1982-1984, 1986-1988, 1990-1993, 1995-1998, 1999-2007, 2008-2014, 2015-now; 25-30 minutes on parts), quite a few people will potentially comment on the albums and tours.
The documentary has been in the making since 2021.
Honestly I hope for a modern approach, not just a guy talking with pics and videos on the background.
Anyway, the documentary will probably come out along with a new remaster of their catalogue (maybe in Atmos, like Bruce is doing for his own?)
If played correctly, this will give Maiden an extreme boost in popularity, like it happened in 2008. Which adds up to the stadium/big venues tour theory/rumours.

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Since 2021, so they will cover SJ. Yes. There will be pics and videos along with the talking, that's for sure. I hope for some rare footage.
New remaster of the albums? I doubt it, but who knows. There can be a boost, yeah.
I agree with the rest of your comment, but this part is quite literally impossible. Whether one likes Taylor Swift or not, she's one of the most succesful artists in the world, became a billionaire and her current world tour is the highest-grossing tour in the history of the industry.

Maiden are huge and they are legends, but they aren't even the most succesful rock and metal band, let alone artists in general if we include other genres. Artists like Taylor Swift are on an entirely differente level (popularity wise, no judgement on the music itself).
The most successful metal band is of course Metallica, but considering entire career IM are next after them. If we compare classic/traditional metal bands IM are the most successful among them. Not bad at all.