clap hands
If you're that far maybe you can answer this.
How did you beat the Garden of Aset level? I kill off the bosses minions and come close to killing the boss but it just replenishes all of its health and and revives the minions.
Change up your allies/talismans until you get a combo that works for that specific level. That's how I've been beating everything.
Step 1 - Fail
Step 2 - Switch allies/talismans
Every time you go into battle it shows you what kind of enemies you're going to face. I've been trying to figure out how each skill (Green/Blue/Red/Sword/Guns/etc) relates to what characters you equip (they even give you a chart), but I don't really get it.
My entire game strategy is simply: make all characters as powerful as possible in as many different ways as possible, then punch things until they die.