Well this is a massive dissappointment!
Soooooo boring. The first level was just 5/6 of these stupid turn based fights on the same exact bit of scenery every time. The fights are just ridiculous, simply tap the screen and again when the circles meet and hey presto, you win every time.
The story is the most convoluted tripe imaginable and the game tries to make out its so deep and complicated yet I had no idea what the hell I was doing apart from tapping the screen when the circles met and getting a perfect hit every time. I've so far managed to get to the third world and was only playing to see if things changed but it's just more of the same just with a slightly different background and enemy models.
This is ed hunter all over again, loads of promise but well under delivered.
Even as a die hard maiden fan I find this an insult and will not be going back to it. I say an insult because we've now had 2 crappy games yet surely a decent developer could easily come up with a cracking third person action adventure game with Eddie as the star and levels based on the album covers.
I'm not sure what I was expecting with this to be honest. All this talk of RPG I thought I was gonna be able to control Eddie moving around this vast world and interacting with characters, upgrading weapons and magic and fighting bad guys. You know, like an actual RPG. No this is nothing more than an on rails screen tapping bore-a-thon trying to cash in on the maiden name.
Phew!!! Rant over