Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No to all.

Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast
Clue #3: People like Phoenix
Clue #4:

Clue #5: Not Medusa, but close
Clue #6: Not a vampire, but a similar result

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land, Running Free, Only The Good Die Young, The Book Of Souls, When The River Runs Deep, Caught Somewhere In Time, The Duellists, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Face In The Sand, The Alchemist, El Dorado, Flight Of Icarus, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
No to all.

Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast
Clue #3: People like Phoenix
Clue #4:

Clue #5: Not Medusa, but close
Clue #6: Not a vampire, but a similar result
Clue #7: Rose Bundy, Michael Gacy, Charles Manson Jr., Donald Trump Jr.

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land, Running Free, Only The Good Die Young, The Book Of Souls, When The River Runs Deep, Caught Somewhere In Time, The Duellists, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Face In The Sand, The Alchemist, El Dorado, Flight Of Icarus, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Out Of The Shadows, Purgatory, Killers
Children of the Damned

Clue #1: Superman sequel? - Christopher Reeve played Superman in the original 1976 movie. He was also the lead in the 1995 remake of the movie Village Of The Damned. The Children Of The Damned movie was a spiritual sequel to the original Village Of The Damned.

Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast - Just before the third chorus of “The Number Of The Beast”, the line preceding the “666” lyric is “They seem to mesmerize me...can’t avoid their eyes”. This is exactly what the Children Of The Damned do with their odd eyes.

Clue #3: People like Phoenix - The X-Man Jean Grey, sometimes known as Phoenix, is telepathic and telekinetic, as are the Children Of The Damned.

Clue #4: (Indiana Jones face melt) - A reference to the lyrics “Smiles as the flame sears his flesh / Melting his face screaming in pain / Peeling the skin from his eyes”.

Clue #5: Not Medusa, but close - The children can control you if you look into their eyes. Medusa would turn you to stone if you did the same.

Clue #6: Not a vampire, but a similar result - A reference to the lyric “You’re burning in the light”.

Clue #7: Rose Bundy, Michael Gacy, Charles Manson Jr., Donald Trump Jr. - The children of three serial killers and the current U.S. President. Draw your own conclusions. :p

Your turn!