Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait
Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Nomad
Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill
Clue #4: Not day

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Nomad/Journeyman/ Wasting Love/ Only The Good Die Young
Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill
Clue #4: Not day
Clue #5: in the space of three lines, the lyrics refer to the title of two singles by the band Extreme (though one lacks an important element)

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Nomad/Journeyman/ Wasting Love/ Only The Good Die Young/ Total Eclipse/ Revelations/ Flight of Icarus
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One before bedtime.

Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill
Clue #4: Not day
Clue #5: in the space of three lines, the lyrics refer to the title of two singles by the band Extreme (though one lacks an important element)
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Nomad/Journeyman/ Wasting Love/ Only The Good Die Young/ Total Eclipse/ Revelations/ Flight of Icarus/ If Eternity Should Fail