Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Happy Ending
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill
Clue #4: Not day
Clue #5: in the space of three lines, the lyrics refer to the title of two singles by the band Extreme (though one lacks an important element)
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden
Clue #7: God give me the answer to my prayer

Incorrect guesses: Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ From Here To Eternity/ Heaven Can Wait/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Nomad/Journeyman/ Wasting Love/ Only The Good Die Young/ Total Eclipse/ Revelations/ Flight of Icarus/ If Eternity Should Fail/ The Duellists/ Prodigal Son/ The Alchemist
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Judgement of Heaven
That's the one! :)

Clue #1: Happy Ending < the last song of Marillion's Clutching At Straws ("You're searching in the dark/ clutching at straws to find a way")
Clue #2: Brian May in the mid-80s < a bit like Steve Harris himself a decade later, Brian May was brought to the confines of depression because of his divorce (which took place in the mid-80s) and has admitted contemplating suicide.
Clue #3: the Fool on the hill > "You take the Tarot cards (the Fool is a trump at tarot) and throw them to the wind (the top of a hill is a windy place)"
Clue #4: Not day > Judgement "of Heaven", as opposed to Judgement "Day"
Clue #5: in the space of three lines, the lyrics refer to the title of two singles by the band Extreme (though one lacks an important element) > "And if there is a God (// "There is no god") then answer if you will/Tell me of what fate/ Tell me of my place/ Tell me if I'll ever rest in peace")
Clue #6: it has never been played live by Iron Maiden > Maiden hasn't, Blaze has:
Clue #7: God give me the answer to my prayer > " a silent (hence the small font) prayer to God to help you on your way"
Clue #1: Starblind and this song don't make sense together
Clue #2: It is said you should never look at Iron Maiden playing this song directly. Donald Trump didn't care

Wrong guesses:
Speed of Light, For the Greater Good of God, No Prayer for the Dying, Face in the Sand

I really chose a bad song for this I have no good clues :/
Clue #1: Starblind and this song don't make sense together
Clue #2: It is said you should never look at Iron Maiden playing this song directly. Donald Trump didn't care
Clue #3: The band secretly plays this song at the poles to reverse global warming.

Wrong guesses:
Speed of Light, For the Greater Good of God, No Prayer for the Dying, Face in the Sand, Mother Russia, Flight of Icarus, Brighter than a Thousand Suns