Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1: Dr. Dee probably saw the future, that's how he could tell us what would happen 5 years from then
Clue #2: Flight of Icarus, but it's real life so there are no wings

Wrongs: If Eternity Should Fail/The Alchemist/Man of Sorrows/Clairvoyant
Clue #1: Dr. Dee probably saw the future, that's how he could tell us what would happen 5 years from then
Clue #2: Flight of Icarus, but it's real life so there are no wings
Clue #3: One of Blaze's songs is totally and unarguably about the song we are guessing. But he felt it was too short so he made it 1440 times longer. No, it's not TAATG.

Wrongs: If Eternity Should Fail/The Alchemist/Man of Sorrows/Clairvoyant/Total Eclipse/Coming Home/Satellite 15...The Final Frontier

The other clues:
In The Alchemist, we have this line "my dreams of empire from my frozen queen will come to pass"
Empire=EotC, released 5 years after The Alchemist. Plus they're both British so it worked out

Icarus fell from the skies when flying, the same happened to the R101. But the R101 was a zeppelin so there were no wings

And clue #3 was understood by Jer.