Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

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Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land
Running Free (n°664, right before, on the same street; 6+6+4= just 16...a pick-up truck, etc...)
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Time’s up!

Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast
Clue #3: People like Phoenix

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land, Running Free, Only The Good Die Young
No to all.

Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast
Clue #3: People like Phoenix
Clue #4:

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land, Running Free, Only The Good Die Young, The Book Of Souls, When The River Runs Deep, Caught Somewhere In Time, The Duellists
No to all.

Clue #1: Superman sequel?
Clue #2: Just before the number of the beast
Clue #3: People like Phoenix
Clue #4:

Clue #5: Not Medusa, but close

Incorrect guesses: New Frontier, Sun And Steel, Stranger In A Strange Land, Running Free, Only The Good Die Young, The Book Of Souls, When The River Runs Deep, Caught Somewhere In Time, The Duellists, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Face In The Sand, The Alchemist