You do finish reading it. But in your haste and desire to be finished, you miss read a line. You are reading a manual of a chicken cleaner/preparing machine. When you get to the beak removal part, the instructions should read "put its pecker in the device, tighten the clamp and twist". However the manual reads "Put your pecker in the device, tighten the clamp and twist". Do to your ineptitude, hundreds of chicken farmers loose their cocks. The judge laughs a lot, wondering what has become of this nation, where people would willing put their peckers in a beak removal machine without thinking it out a little, but since the manual said it, he awards the claimants $100 million, and you have to pay it back by removing the beaks off all their chickens, and fucking all of their sheep, since they lost their peckers and thats what they do with them.
I wish that I had some egg nog.