Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
Wow. 16 pints. That's incredible. I doubt even Niall, Lampwick or Wingman could achieve that feat. What a moron though, he went to protect statues and pissed on a memorial to a policeman killed by a terrorist.

I'd say it was like Ozzy at the Alamo, he probably never even realised the monument was there. Not that that excuses it though, having a piss in broad daylight in the middle of a street is enough on it own.
So, the two countries with the two dumbest leaders in the world have the most Corona deaths now. Stupid deniers, stupid idiots.
Although it seems logical to assume that the number of deaths in Brazil and the USA would continue increasing for quite some time thanks to their leaders ...
That being said, a much more accurate measure of the impact is the number of excess deaths over a period of time compared to the average for that same period in the past. The last figures I saw indicated that Peru, followed by Spain, were at the top of that table.
Either way, we would have to wait until this is over to see the real impact of this.
But tied in with both the far right AKA 'footie lads' and people on the fringes of the BLM related protests are those who are anti-establishment in general. Churchill is a very obvious target for them.
I hadn’t considered that the far right elements in Britain who maybe wish the war had gone the other way would also target Churchill statues, but that computes.
I am afraid you got this wrong. The far-right elements in Britain were there to "defend our statues"
I march to a different beat Brigantum!Copper, then?
Okay, some basic misunderstandings of the British political scene here if not the political spectrum in general. The old colonial elite fought the Nazis but had many things in common with them politically - white superiority and national superiority being amongst them. What they chiefly hated about the Nazis is that they were a foreign enemy, a threat to Britain's international dominance. They also found them common and uncouth, not part of the genteel classes. Period commentators like the Daily Mail otherwise admired a lot of stuff about the Nazis.
The right wing nutballs protesting at the moment aren't part of any considered political movement. They are pretty much a rabble of troublemakers who like Ghost says would be fighting in pubs, vomiting off hotel balconies in Spain, and instigating mob scuffles around football matches if it wasn't for lockdown. They're using the excuse of protecting statues to try to get into fights with black people and anyone else they don't like. 'Student bashing' used to be a popular sport with the same people. But because nobody's the boss of them and they're such big tough guys, they'll fight the police too and piss on memorials etc.
They also definitely aren't Tories. The Conservative party is traditionally massively elitist, despite them trying to give off a 'party of business' image.
Oh, I took that comment to mean Neo fascists objected to Churchill’s anti-fascist views and formed a bizarre, paradoxical coalition with those who want his statues removed for other reasons.
Not really back on topic I see. Don't feed the troll.End of the off-topic as far as I am concerned.
Back on topic: ... Boris 'wannabe Churchill' Johnson
I am also completely fed up of working from home. I'm bored and extremely unproductive. My employer should give us an update about returning to work at the end of the month so there's a chance we might start returning next month, but I'm expecting to be told to stay home until September.'m waiting impatiently that they would end my unwanted working from home, I really hate it and would like to work in the office every day. My human contacts have become very limited, so it would be nice to actually meet people regularly.![]()
Not really back on topic I see. Don't feed the troll
No, I'm just bored of the irrelevant back and forth about a man who died about 60 years ago.Have I hit a nerve by mentioning that Boris measures himself up against his all time hero?![]()
This is one of the saddest things about the pandemic, and has mostly likely contributed heavily to high numbers of cases in poorer areas. I'm not convinced by the argument that industrial disease is a major factor behind higher death rates in certain towns and cities - it's far more likely the high number of cases because people are in lines of work that mean they can't work from home, and population density.Working from home is OK for me, but too many people do not have the luxury of being able to do that.