
How you know it wasn’t from there?
When I came down with the cold last week, I took two COVID tests. Both came back negative. Felt better by the weekend when the family started to feel ill, but I was self-quarantining away from them anyways... which didn't do much good at the end of the day. Started feeling some very light symptoms yesterday and did another test, which came back positive.
I forgot to report that I had it for a second time. It went through about 10 people in the company in 3 weeks, like a wave. This time luckily I almost had no symptoms and was fit after 3 days.
Looks to me like planes are one of the easiest placed to transmit it. The air quality might in theory be good, but you're in very close contact with several other people for a prolonged period, plus there's the crowding in the airport.
First day of new job, I test positive and feel crap. :(

I pretty much know who I caught in from, it was the leaving present I really didn't want.
Get well soon!

Btw, those temperature changes these days (air conditioned rooms to 35 degrees outside) gave me a cold. I tested negative, but damn it's terrible watching those tests when you feel a bit under the weather.
I feel a lot better today, although the test I did this morning shows an even stronger positive result.

Fingers crossed I can get into the office next week to meet my new colleagues, and also that I'll get some sort of immunity boost that'll cover me for autumn gig season

Happy to hear you are feeling better.

I only had a sore throat one day but then kept on returning even stronger positive test results for 10 days! I hope you will test negative soon.
Fingers crossed I can get into the office next week to meet my new colleagues, and also that I'll get some sort of immunity boost that'll cover me for autumn gig season

Exactly. Getting Covid almost upon arrival, and when summer was still young, was a great thing. I'm enjoying life without masks, care-free. Normally by mid September that I'll go back there's no problem.
Exactly. Getting Covid almost upon arrival, and when summer was still young, was a great thing. I'm enjoying life without masks, care-free. Normally by mid September that I'll go back there's no problem.
Well, except that this dance starts again every time a new variant gets established. If I've got BA5 now rather than BA2, I should be okay for a while, depending if Centaurus is even more contagious.