18th Studio Album discussion

Steve, Bruce and Adrian will always have a desire for new music, and they can tour with it right.
I was actually thinking about that yesterday. If Maiden were to retire in 2026, what are the members going to do? Steve has British Lion, Bruce has his solo band and Adrian has projects as well. Nicko could still play with Titanium Tart if he gets the itch for a live show. Dave is the one I can see simply retiring and not being involved with new music/live shows anymore. Janick though? For some reason I think he'd continue in some way; no idea how though.
One can consider their age, while also trying to analyze the performance as objective as possible.

Yes, it is definitely impressive that these vocalists in their 70s keep being active.

At the same time, simply listening to what they actually sound like, to recordings and videos, does it actually still sound good? Just because what they do is physically impressive, doesn't mean that some of them are a shadow of their former selves. Take Axl Rose* for a somewhat younger example: does his Mickey Mouse-esque voice nowadays sound good? No, it's silly and absurd. Age has taken its toll, but we are engaging with music with our ears, not with clocks.

* = Kinda bad exampe, he always sucked lol
Oral Sex is kinda different. He had a distinctive and somewhat good voice... in studio. Too bad drug and booze abuse destroyed it even before Guns 'n' Roses embarked for their first tour.
Also, he never learned to properly manage it. Same error made by Kai Hansen.
I was actually thinking about that yesterday. If Maiden were to retire in 2026, what are the members going to do? Steve has British Lion, Bruce has his solo band and Adrian has projects as well. Nicko could still play with Titanium Tart if he gets the itch for a live show. Dave is the one I can see simply retiring and not being involved with new music/live shows anymore. Janick though? For some reason I think he'd continue in some way; no idea how though.
Dave and Tamar live in Hawaii, their daughter is now a grown woman and has her own career but still living in Maui. He has guitars to play around and golf when he wants a break.
Janick is personality-wise quite similar to Dave (offstage). I can totally figure him enjoying a peaceful retirement with his wife. He likes history, photography and traveling and would have plenty of time to do that. Occasionally collaborating with Dylan, if his career takes off.
Also I assume they all have assets so not exactly need to "work" for a living.
Dave and Tamar live in Hawaii, their daughter is now a grown woman and has her own career but still living in Maui. He has guitars to play around and golf when he wants a break.
Janick is personality-wise quite similar to Dave (offstage). I can totally figure him enjoying a peaceful retirement with his wife. He likes history, photography and traveling and would have plenty of time to do that. Occasionally collaborating with Dylan, if his career takes off.
Also I assume they all have assets so not exactly need to "work" for a living.
Sure, I wasn't talking about doing it for the money. Steve is doing British Lion because he has fun playing small clubs. So I was thinking more along the lines of having an outlet for creativity and playing for fun.
Dave and Tamar live in Hawaii, their daughter is now a grown woman and has her own career but still living in Maui. He has guitars to play around and golf when he wants a break.
Janick is personality-wise quite similar to Dave (offstage). I can totally figure him enjoying a peaceful retirement with his wife. He likes history, photography and traveling and would have plenty of time to do that. Occasionally collaborating with Dylan, if his career takes off.
Also I assume they all have assets so not exactly need to "work" for a living.

Possible. But I find that people often have such ideas and then the reality turns out to be completely different. Remember the rumors about Dave before the last tour and then he appears on stage, smiling and having a good time, and obviously very prepared, not like someone who is doing his duty but not really motivated.

With Steve I also wonder how he wants to bring his ideas, which he always has, to life with British Lion and that's what you want when you have an idea as a musician.
Sure, I wasn't talking about doing it for the money. Steve is doing British Lion because he has fun playing small clubs. So I was thinking more along the lines of having an outlet for creativity and playing for fun.
My impression is that Steve approaches music as a composer, while Dave's mentality is more like that of a player. I can see him put together a cover band with some friends from Maui and play Hendrix at small clubs just for fun and NOBODY knowing about it. While I feel British Lion were (partially) intended by Steve as a way to "feel young" again, playing in pubs, clubs, small venues, etc. Like Smith/Kotzen. Less pretentious, less stressful, just for the fun of it. Put out a new album every now and then, knowing it will sell by default given the names involved, but not pretending to make a living out of it.
One thing in that Iron Maiden always distinguished is that there has never been much gossip around them. No hotel rooms destroyed, no drug abuse, no fast supercars crashed. They never "Americanized" themselves (like Ozzy or Led Zeppelin did, for example). Just five (now six) blokes playing music and living their lives.

Possible. But I find that people often have such ideas and then the reality turns out to be completely different. Remember the rumors about Dave before the last tour and then he appears on stage, smiling and having a good time, and obviously very prepared, not like someone who is doing his duty but not really motivated.

With Steve I also wonder how he wants to bring his ideas, which he always has, to life with British Lion and that's what you want when you have an idea as a musician.
Personally I never thought those rumors were true.
I mean LOTB lasted four years which seemed too much frankly, and I get that Dave was kinda bored by that (I would've been, if I were him). But in general, post-2015 Dave is having much more fun on stage, so apart from some tragic happenings in private life, I couldn't see him retiring.