Got a couple that judging by some of the responses to Speed of Light should be unpopular for some people for sure lol.
I like the production of the past few records. I like the live feel that they are going for. For me the way I consider it is that the band is now older, so they have gone for a more mature/dry sound. And to place myself in their shoes, I can totally see how after decades of being told that they are one of the best live metal bands ever and that their songs really get electrified live that they would want to pursue the live sound on an album. Although I am a musician, I must admit I don't have a perfect ear for "brick walling" and the like, and as people have mentioned that happened on Dance of Death (as a side note I plan on giving that album a spin to see if I can hear it for myself) but for me the two most important things for me in a production are tone and everything's place in the mix. The guitars have sounded top notch on all the reunion albums. The rhythms, leads, cleans and acoustics all sound fantastic to my ears. The bass is not as great as it used to be but that is just one minor point for me. I am reading that a lot of people don't like Nicko's drum sound on the past few albums. While I admit the toms aren't overly punchy, I kind of like that low end thump that they have. But for the most part they sound good and have a good place in the mix (the only reunion album that I'm not overly crazy about for the drum sound is The Final Frontier). Judging by Speed of Light, I think the production of The Book of Souls is going to be another satisfying listen for me. The vocals effects, guitar tones, and drums all sound really good. The bass is a little lower but I will reserve final judgement until I hear the album.
My other one for today is that I think Speed of Light is one of the best rockers of the reunion era. The riffs and harmony are top notch, Bruce's vocals are brilliant, and the whole song has an undeniable catchy/fun vibe to it. And that chorus- wooo! Simple, but really powerful and again- fun

I think that is a quality that can sometimes be over looked with the reunion era's material because a lot of it is usually serious subject matter/7+ minute epics. I really like Dave's solo tone and I think his solo is good. I can see why people think Adrian's solo is a little unoriginal but for me I don't overly mind as he is my favourite guitarist and I enjoy all his work. My only complaint with the song is that Nicko's drum fills get a little repetitive, however I admire the vibe he was going for. I guarantee he had a big smile on his face while recording it