USA Politics

Disruptive elections are refreshing. Last time I remember it was a radical left party of 3% as of 2009, Syriza, winning the elections in Greece in 2015.

For a moment I thought you were going to praise the rise to prominence of Golden Dawn. Thankfully, I was wrong.
So was Hitler…

Sure. Though it’s nonsense to compare anyone contemporary to Hitler. Netanyahu comes close, ref. dehumanization & genocide but nobody does compare him and I wouldn’t do that so easily either.

For a moment I thought you were going to praise the rise to prominence of Golden Dawn. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Because you don’t pay much attention maybe. I would be most happy to see radical left on the power anywhere and since this almost never happens I’m equally happy to see unconventional or even populist people of the right on the helm. Like Trump. I like change.

Because words have lost their meaning. As mentioned before, we call too easily something as far left, when it’s just left, or far right when it’s just right. Far= resort to violence inside the doctrine.

Oh and we label too easily. Anything different from the main narrative it must be far-something, or Chinese propaganda or Putin puppet. Too dangerous and blindsided. Propaganda-style tactics we’ve fallen in.

As a result when we have categorized Trump or Meloni or Orban etc., as far right and fascists, it’s easy to confuse with Golden Dawn who were really far right.
Golden Dawn were real Nazis & fascists unlike almost all others that I’ve seen using the term against, around here.
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So everyone who voted Trump to end the slow drip genocide of Gaza is gonna get what they wanted, I guess. It won't be a slow drip anymore if Trump gets his way.

So everyone who voted Trump to end the slow drip genocide of Gaza is gonna get what they wanted, I guess. It won't be a slow drip anymore if Trump gets his way.
Also everyone who didn’t vote because “Biden wasn’t doing enough.”
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Your views are your own business entirely. The way you've chosen to present them here isn't. You keep talking of tolerance but I fail to see much of it in your posts. You generate unpleasant levels of tension with them, and your language and attitude - and seem to be proud of it. "Forum members will ensure they post in a respectful fashion towards their fellow members" - that's from the forum rules in case you wonder - have you ever read it? You don't argue, you preach. You don't converse with people, you lecture them. And I don't think you're doing your cause much of a favour for that matter, just like vandalizing paintings doesn't really help alerting people to environmental problems.
All of this has been told to you by other members on other occasions before but you've apparently chosen to ignore it.
Wishing you all the best anyway.
Fair enough. So it's not about the "agenda" I am pushing. It's not about the content of my posts, it's about how I present them.

"You keep talking of tolerance but I fail to see much of it in your posts" - I've addressed this before: Paradox of tolerance.
You can look at the discussions I've been involved in that turned sour; the ones where I'm preaching. I'm sure I'm at fault for the unpleasant levels of tension to a degree. But do you genuinely believe that I'm to blame for that, solely? That no other party in the discussion bears any responsibility?

I have no pride about the way I conduct myself. I have read the rules and you'll notice that the frictions arise with a specific and short list of members, often due to certain patterns of behavior. Mind you, I'm not shifting the blame unto them; I'm at fault. I'm aware. I lash out when my buttons are pushed, and believe it or not, I've been trying to be better about that. Also, I'm not trying to further any cause here, I'm just a dude on the internet sharing his opinions. I don't know about you, but I don't believe many people would fundamentally change their views based on some forum posts in a politics thread on an enthusiast board for a metal band.

If it's just about putting me in my place, so to speak, fine. But how does that connect to your ealier question about how long a far right person would make it in the forum?

Nevertheless, I appreciate the response.
Sure. Though it’s nonsense to compare anyone contemporary to Hitler. Netanyahu comes close, ref. dehumanization & genocide but nobody does compare him and I wouldn’t do that so easily either.

Because you don’t pay much attention maybe. I would be most happy to see radical left on the power anywhere and since this almost never happens I’m equally happy to see unconventional or even populist people of the right on the helm. Like Trump. I like change.

Because words have lost their meaning. As mentioned before, we call too easily something as far left, when it’s just left, or far right when it’s just right. Far= resort to violence inside the doctrine.

Oh and we label too easily. Anything different from the main narrative it must be far-something, or Chinese propaganda or Putin puppet. Too dangerous and blindsided. Propaganda-style tactics we’ve fallen in.

As a result when we have categorized Trump or Meloni or Orban etc., as far right and fascists, it’s easy to confuse with Golden Dawn who were really far right.
Golden Dawn were real Nazis & fascists unlike almost all others that I’ve seen using the term against, around here.

Are you really happy to have a bunch of xenophobes who are, if not far right, as close as it gets to it at the helm of different governments??? Because you like change???

I am sorry, but that draws a line at what is acceptable to me. End of the discussion. My time is too valuable to waste it going round in circles in this discussion as it is obvious I will never agree with you on that.
I lived abroad half of my life and been on working visa for the 1/3 of it. Thus you can be sure I'm not xenophobe. But neither are they, for the most part.
Often those labelled by Status Quo as "xenophobes" are just in for controlled immigration. Uncontrolled immigration is a classic trick to bring cheap labor, depress the wages and keep the working class down and under control.
Just an example.

Anyway, I end it here.
That was not my question. My question was how long a far right person behaving the way you do would make it in the forum.
Why does it matter if that hypothetical person is far right? You've outlined issues with the way I express my views, not with the content. Change the content and keep the behavior the same, do you think the far right person would be banned because of their stance? Or rather, do you think I'm being treated in a far too charitable way by the admins, possibly influenced by being "on the same side", so to speak?

In other words, where does being far left or far right come into the equation?
On this subject: I would highly encourage you to watch this video:

It goes into detail not only about how the Blackwater travesty took place but also how media like Fox News led to their being pardoned. Full-disclosure, the dude who made the video is a leftist, but he does a great job at showcasing how media can brush over atrocities to push their own agendas. I would really like your thoughts and takeaways from the video, whatever they may be. It’s only a half hour long.
I haven’t forgotten about this; just been very busy. Plan to watch it soon.
And the far-right-convicted-felon-orange-man-baby has turned a briefing after a plane crash into a baseless rant against DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). :puke:
January 20: FAA director fired
January 21: Air Traffic Controller hiring freeze
January 22: Aviation Safety Advisory Committee disbanded
January 28: Buyout/retirement demand sent to existing employees
January 29: First American mid-air collision in 16 years

And then has the audacity to blame DEI while families are mourning.

I hate this man with every bone in my body.
And the far-right-convicted-felon-orange-man-baby has turned a briefing after a plane crash into a baseless rant against DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). :puke:
But you see, this will bring down the prices of eggs. The economy was his priority after all, wasn't it? /s