USA Politics

So, @Vaenyr has put me into ignore list/mode. I just wanted to say, that i'm truly disappointed. Despite our differences we could still talk (not about latest topic, in general) I did not put any member on ignore mode, even @____no5 is not there, despite his veeery different views. It is what it is, i guess.
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Suppose a case where there's absolutely no doubt someone did what I described above, would you still be against eliminating them just because killing is wrong?

There are many like this, like Ted Bundy, or Pedro Alonso López (more than 300 rapes /murders of minors -out 2 years early on good behaviour!! after serving only 14) and yes they deserve death. At least Bundy was executed.
My theory is that Trump got the Russians or some other bad actor to obtain blackmail material on most of the GOP (internet history, secret recordings, etc). I can’t think of another reason for the cult-like worship of him.
My theory is that Trump got the Russians or some other bad actor to obtain blackmail material on most of the GOP (internet history, secret recordings, etc). I can’t think of another reason for the cult-like worship of him.

Resilience, accessibility, true to his word, funny, speaks out his mind, patriot, successful outside politics, not PC, populist, showmanship and more.

The fact alone that after he was just shot on the face and he raised up his fist, would be enough. McDonald man, Garbage man. Who else would be doing that and be convincing? Clinton did it with saxophone 30 years ago and he also won. But he didn’t age well, literally. We’ll see about Trump, he is one in 100 years case, but also perpetual work in progress, I am not holding my breath.
Loving Virtual XI is far too extreme. Terrorism territory :D
Aw, c'mon. It's not thaaat bad.
Resilience, accessibility, true to his word, funny, speaks out his mind, patriot, successful outside politics, not PC, populist, showmanship and more.

The fact alone that after he was just shot on the face and he raised up his fist, would be enough. McDonald man, Garbage man. Who else would be doing that and be convincing? Clinton did it with saxophone 30 years ago and he also won. But he didn’t age well, literally. We’ll see about Trump, he is one in 100 years case, but also perpetual work in progress, I am not holding my breath.
He isn't a single one of these things. Even the thing he cares most about, business, he pretty much sucks at. Trump is much less a business man and much more a con man. He makes his living by cheating taxes, not paying his employees, and probably laundering money for foreign billionaires.

He would actually be richer if never went into business and just invested his inheritance. All this bullshit from his voter base about how he's "a great business man" couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone can be rich if their dad leaves them half a billion dollars. He's nothing but a conman and his voter base are dupes. The rest of us are victims of ignorance.
Resilience, accessibility, true to his word, funny, speaks out his mind, patriot, successful outside politics, not PC, populist, showmanship and more.

The fact alone that after he was just shot on the face and he raised up his fist, would be enough. McDonald man, Garbage man. Who else would be doing that and be convincing? Clinton did it with saxophone 30 years ago and he also won. But he didn’t age well, literally. We’ll see about Trump, he is one in 100 years case, but also perpetual work in progress, I am not holding my breath.
I would say a failing education system and 30+ years of influence from a prominent propaganda network would be a start.
In 5's case, prominent propaganda network = state media run by country that sees opportunity in having an inept dumbass lead the USA.
In 5's case, prominent propaganda network = state media run by country that sees opportunity in having an inept dumbass lead the USA.

I can’t speak or read that well thus I can’t be fed by this country’s propaganda network. I still get my news from the west.
But hey, it’s hopeless in US politics, no side will acknowledge anything good on the other side or something they did wrong. I watched serious people from GOP side deny that it was a Nazi salute the same way I watched Dem side denying the poor state of Biden’s mind.

One must be blind by now not to acknowledge that Trump is charismatic for good or bad. But charismatic nonetheless.
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But hey, it’s hopeless in US politics, no side will acknowledge anything good on the other side or something they did wrong. I watched serious people from GOP side deny that it was a Nazi salute the same way I watched Dem side denying the poor state of Biden’s mind.

One must be blind by now not to acknowledge that Trump is charismatic for good or bad. But charismatic nonetheless.
He is incredibly charismatic. A bit like Boris Johnson. Both products of inherited wealth. I suppose they have lots of positivity because they don’t have to worry about their mortgage, bills, being a competent parent, having morals or the consequences of their leadership.
Aw, c'mon. It's not thaaat bad.

He isn't a single one of these things. Even the thing he cares most about, business, he pretty much sucks at. Trump is much less a business man and much more a con man. He makes his living by cheating taxes, not paying his employees, and probably laundering money for foreign billionaires.

He would actually be richer if never went into business and just invested his inheritance. All this bullshit from his voter base about how he's "a great business man" couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone can be rich if their dad leaves them half a billion dollars. He's nothing but a conman and his voter base are dupes. The rest of us are victims of ignorance.

Yes I know that, so I've chosen my words carefully and didn't say successful businessman, though one could argue that he is that too. I mean for his base, he is absolutely successful.
I heard something the other day, that he was not shy to hang out with figures like Mike Tyson, Don King etc. He would surround himself with successful people yes but from all classes and background. Who does that? Working class without colleague degree see him as their champion.

Like it or not, we better accept that this guy is a phenomenon and try to understand why he touched the hearts of so many people and then we could learn something. We better avoid cheap explanations like his base are idiots or brainwashed or anything like that. It takes talent and charisma to have millions of people believing in you the way MAGA does for Trump.

And don't forget that many people against whom he competes are even lower than him. Professional politicians all their lives, the scum of the earth. Another big differentiator from the rest.

He is incredibly charismatic. A bit like Boris Johnson. Both products of inherited wealth. I suppose they have lots of positivity because they don’t have to worry about their mortgage and bills…

No doubt, their starting points were miles ahead from ours. But again, how much more privileged we are against the 90% of earth's population, from birth? Life's not fair.
The way to measure ourselves should not be absolute. We have to consider what were our starting points, our givens and where we managed to reach. And we may find that we did pretty well with what we had. Maybe money, maybe inspired others, something. I think you did.
I mean, the reason why Trump surrounded himself with those people is easily explained: that's what Roy Cohn, one of the worst pieces of shit in American political history, taught him to do. He taught Trump to use his wealth to awe those new to power and fame so that one day he might extract favours from those people - favours that he then has no obligation to repay, because people who are new to power and fame so often burn through it and end up on the other end of it. Cohn taught him to find people who are weak and exploit them, because the world is a zero sum game and you have to be constantly winning by making other people lose.

He ain't hanging out with Don King anymore.
I’ve read ex first lady Nixon had seen the potential of Trump running for president since late 80s. There a letter from Richard Nixon documenting that.

Disruptive elections are refreshing. Last time I remember it was a radical left party of 3% as of 2009, Syriza, winning the elections in Greece in 2015.
Same as with Trump it was fought hard and somehow dirty by the Status Quo in Greece & EU.
Which parts of the "agenda" I'm pushing do you think goes too far and would deserve a warning or banning? I'm not talking about the way I'm interacting with others and my aggressive and hostile tone at times
Your views are your own business entirely. The way you've chosen to present them here isn't. You keep talking of tolerance but I fail to see much of it in your posts. You generate unpleasant levels of tension with them, and your language and attitude - and seem to be proud of it. "Forum members will ensure they post in a respectful fashion towards their fellow members" - that's from the forum rules in case you wonder - have you ever read it? You don't argue, you preach. You don't converse with people, you lecture them. And I don't think you're doing your cause much of a favour for that matter, just like vandalizing paintings doesn't really help alerting people to environmental problems.
All of this has been told to you by other members on other occasions before but you've apparently chosen to ignore it.
Wishing you all the best anyway.