USA Politics

People who think this has much to do with Trump are forgetting about Ferguson 2014, which happened under Obama, who was a mixed-race president. The problem is far too great to be attributed to the person of the president.
I completely disagree that he hasn't "much" to do with it. It's not all about Trump alone though, I'll give you that. But even if he wasn't responsible for *anything* that's wrong in America, he had to take responsibility for it, Perun. And you don't believe he's the leader to the way out of this yourself.
But to look at the premise - Trump's numbers are shakier than ever, Biden is repeatedly outpolling him both nationally and in battleground states, and many of the factors that existed in 2016 that allowed Trump to pull off a once-in-a-century (or more) upset no longer exist. Trump has a good chance of losing this November.

But I will never again underestimate the inability of the American people to choose a leader, so I still view it as a 60/40 thing.
Is it because of that religion/science discussion we had?
Nah, but it felt good beating you there, scholarboy. What is this, group therapy? You’re okay Perun, I appreciate your contribution, but don’t always be so neutral about Trump, are you Switzerland or what? Handshake?
Trump just might, in the end, benefit from all of this. Trump is a master of his form of deflection and if he manages to spin it enough so it's a matter of law and order and who's "tough on crime, tough on public order". It doesn't matter that he hasn't done much about this, or that he has fueled the fire. Trump thrives on fear.
People who think this has much to do with Trump are forgetting about Ferguson 2014, which happened under Obama, who was a mixed-race president. The problem is far too great to be attributed to the person of the president.
I'd like to point out that under Obama (he may have introduced it) police were under stricter rules / screened. And Trump threw that all away again.
Trump is for me the man who contributes to this and does not try to change matters. Rather the opposite:
= = =

In April, Sessions ordered the Justice Department to review all the reform agreements in effect with police departments throughout the nation, one of the foremost ways the Obama DOJ sought to improve policing and reduce civil rights violations in troubled departments. The reason, according to Sessions, was to ensure that the reforms did not hinder the Trump administrations desire for more aggressive criminal enforcement.

Criminal justice reform advocates have been harshly critical of the move, arguing it
undermines essential reforms against racism and brutality in policing.
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*ahem* *cough* *cough* *cough* *ahem* *cough* The Netherlands outlawed slavery in 1873 *ahem* *cough* *cough* the Berlin Conference that effectively divided Africa among European nations was in 1884 *cough* *ahem* *cough* racially motivated massacre in Amritsar *cough* Algerian War *cough* 2005 France riots *ahem* *cough* 2011 Tottenham riots *cough* *cough* *ahem*

Anyone have a cough sweet?
Ok, ok, I get your point on the 19th century dates. Could you expand on the more recent ones though?
undermines essential reforms against racism and brutality in policing.

I agree that Obama tried to do better and that Trump is just adding fuel to the fire, but the problem is way larger than "reforms". USA has racist hotspots. There, cops are like the fifth generation of racist pigs. It is not about training. If you try to shoot a robber but you end up shooting a bystander that's about training. This is about humanity. These cops do not have it. They are the people you should be protected against, not the ones that should be protecting you. They are also armed like a militia while having no military training, discipline, leadership.

So - take a bunch of racist pigs, arm them to the teeth, give them power over people with no true oversight, and then keep on doing that for generations. Good luck with the reform.

Things like these have turned around my opinion about gun control in USA. If this is what it looks like then you should be armed, without limitations.
One thing is certain. It doesn't help that the president chooses to have police use tear gas to clear the area around a church in the neighbourhood, just for him to have a photoshoot in front of said church, holding up a book which I doubt he has read much from.
One thing is certain. It doesn't help that the president chooses to have police use tear gas to clear the area around a church in the neighbourhood, just for him to have a photoshoot in front of said church, holding up a book which I doubt he has read much from.

Shy not? Some of the worst human beings are devoted Bible readers and the Old Testament is not filled with particularly nice messages...