Well, that "nothing will change" is out of the question. In fact, a lot has changed over the past few weeks already. If Trump indeed survives all this and it isn't a turning point for the better, the other possibility is, what a Newspapers here titled today:
"Absteigende Grossmacht": Descending Great Power Nation. (
I don't want that to happen (or to continue). In spite of all of America's historic or contemporary faults, I was always glad and thankful the USA were the superpower in the world, not Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and not Europe. In fact, to think any of those would have done it better than the USA in the past 100 years is absurd imo. And as a musician, I love the USA.
I'm not telling anyone in America what to do and how to vote, but the inluence the US have on us in Europe (and the whole world) isn't in any way comparable the one of Turkey, so obviously we have an opinion. Everybody is seeing the harm the past 3 1/2 years of American incompetence have done, and it must get criticized from in- *and* outside of the US.
Also, Trump had to move to his underground bunker to hide yesterday because of the riots, I think don't think this has been discussed.