I'm still hung over as fuck. Probably no more updates here until tomorrow.Happy Canada Day 150, LC
Maiden should never forget about their roots of fast uptempo rockers...and this is a great one. Again...very odd and hard to get used to phrasing on the vocals. It's a song of few brief hooks...but they DO bring it through. I love a good straight forward Maiden rocker....and it reminds me in a couple places of Silver Wings from Bruce...just a little though.
I instantly made the connection between this song and similar, re-union era rockers such as The Mercenary however this song I feel is far superior to others because of its wonderful, sing-along but not repetitive chorus and the awesome lyrics. Although it probably won't be my favourite song of the album it is easy to listen to and very enjoyable, the album needs a song like this and I feel it complements the group of other shorter songs
I absolute love love LOOOOOVE the Thin Lizzy guitar tone on this song.
It reminds me of when I'd put on the Powerslave record my dad owned and always repeat Flash of the Blade just because it was so much fun. You just kind of want to thrash around and belt it out, haha. On an artistic level, maybe it's not super deep or meaningful, but it's a lot of fun and that's something that is hard to accomplish sometimes.
This has to be the wordiest 4:30 song I've ever heard. Yet at the same time it doesn't feel bogged down in vocals leaving plenty of room for the instruments to shine. Good song, great lyrics
In general I think it is the weakest link on the album. Yes it has spunk and energy and is vaguely reminiscent of Man on the Edge but it feels like it was added primarily because they needed a short, good, rocker.
My least favorite from the album, I sometimes like it - sometimes not.
I dislike this song for the same reasons I dislike El Dorado, and The Man Who Would Be King. The Vocal Melody. In this song it's a none stop bombardment, and it's exhausting. It drowns out some great music, and that's a shame. And as others have mentioned. Janick's solo is the best on the album.
This song has a very good intro but the main part song isn't anything particularily great. The acoustic ending is beautiful but for the most part, it's a good average song.
It's not really a bad song per se, but it's not a good song either. It's not annoying like CIPWM and I don't mind listening to it, but it's really just unremarkable. It's followed by an awesome track and preceded by an awesome track, which makes it even feel even more mediocre. Then again slotting into the story raises its value somewhat.
Weakest song of side B. That sounds negative but look at those other three phenominal songs.
Not a great song but still very good. An excellent solo, like almost all Murray songs and I like the lyrics in the context of the album.
Ok, i don't like this track. At all. The singing is weird, and i feel that if you're going to sing about mysticism and fantasy stuff, if you do it too blunt, it becomes overly corny.
I really like this song. More excellent guitar work and Bruce's singing is great. The intro and outro are also superb. One day I really stopped to listen to the calm that the outro brings and it was a beautiful thing. What an underrated song.
This has a cool vibe to it, different feel with the 6/8 time signature. I love the panned vocals, I think they were going for the whole "angel on one shoulder devil on the other" thing with that. Really haunting and heavy tune. Really beautiful guitar melodies throughout as well. Always loved the mood with this song.
I also never read much into the lyrics to this song. Sometimes songwriters just write a lyric because it sounds cool, not caring about the meaning. I think that's the case here. I'm not saying there isn't a meaning; I'm just saying it's not very deep. I think trying to read too much into this song is a mistake - just enjoy it!
This song does not get the love it deserves. I think it's completely on par with Icarus. The solos are as great as any solos from POM, and the part between the solos is catchy as hell.
Good song. What puts it in the second tier of Maiden songs for me is the pre-chorus and chorus. I never liked it that much. Hate the "gang" vocal part and bruce's delivery on the main chorus never did it for me.
Ho Hum... I remember seeing the name of this cut on the back of the album when I first bought it and thinking that a song with a name as cool as that was going to be an ass kicker. I was wrong... it gets skipped over pretty regularly...
At the 3 minute mark the song gets more interesting. A bright shining solo by Dave and then this dark harmony, in which Adrian plays the very low tones. First in unison with Dave, then alone, just like in Purgatory. Only he can play like this. This style of playing is a recognizable H trademark.
this song has a silly nature to it that is hard to overcome. The chorus is catchy, but also perhaps a tad corny/repetitive. It is still a fun song though and that helps. Great guitar solo in the middle/end.
However, the verse riffs are too simple, chorus is...don't know, sometimes i feel like i like it, sometimes i feel like i don't. The second excellent part is "they've died..." followed by H's solo. I like how the vocal tempo doubles up on final chorus. Still feel like there's space for improvement, eg. it's missing several elements.
The riffs are cool, the leads are decent, but the pre-chorus is too silly, with chanting backup vocals that sound more humorous than convincing. The whole thing is a bit too jaunty, despite being about soldiers. Personally, I think this song paved the way for some future sillier Maiden tracks like Bring Your Daughter…To The Slaughter. The guitars are great throughout, but Bruce really strains his upper register on the bridge.
Little substance but it's a fun enough rocker with a nice second solo that's worthwhile to listen out for. Not much to say on this one other than it's good filler.
Good song, IMO. Shows a lighter and more pleasant part of Di'annos' voice. Lyrcisare pretty weird though, but the best ones on Killers, not as simlpe or straight-forward as the others are.
Solo's are the only redeeming feature for this song, imo. I'm just not interested in it at all.
The solos are beautiful. Adrian puts a lot of care and feeling in his solo, and Dave takes over with his crystal clear sound. These solos sound so different from the others on Killers, that I wonder if they were recorded on a separate session
The acoustic guitar is a perfect touch, and Di'anno's performance is among his best. For me, this was the most atypical song in the Maiden catalog until Journeyman came along.
Paul once again shows the softer side of his voice to great effect, and this combined with the acoustic guitar creates a very atypical atmosphere here. The song doesn't crack the realms of brilliance for me yet, but perhaps it eventually will.
Both guitar solos are great, but everything else about this song is clunky and awkward. Considering the lyrics, why are the music and melody so happy?
I've always thought this is a track that really benefited, probably moreso than any of the other tracks on Killers, from the addition of one Adrian Smith. His guitar on this is just sublime.
Coming right after the furious, stomping (and totally awesome) title track, this song really stands out. It's the closest thing to a ballad on this album and does it disappoint? No, not at all. It's not beautiful in my opinion, it's just a nice song that just sounds way different from the rest of this album.
This has grown on me slowly over the years but I still think it's a tad boring, the mood is nice and all but it doesn't grip me as much as I want it to. The annoying thing is that I want to like a lot, I really do, but my mind keep wandering away after a couple of minutes.
This song is incredible. The best Maiden song since Paschendale. Steve Harris took every good thing he learned from writing his previous epics and put it all together perfectly. Steve is right: if it weren't for Bruce coming up with Empire, this would be regarded as the major highlight.
Remember in one of the interviews someone said each member came with 1 hour worth of material with the belief they would get about 15 minutes each. I think steve cut all the best parts from his hour and jammed them into TRATB, it just seems like 13 minutes worth of great ideas jumbled up in one song
This song is a huge chore for me. It takes forever to get through and feels like a hodgepodge of cool ideas that Steve came up with, but didn't take enough time to really work out the song itself. I keep coming back to it, because I want to like it, but it's just not clicking with me. Honestly it might be my least favorite song on the whole album right now.
I still can't believe that Aces High, my most favorite vocal performance in all of history has been TIED with the opening vocals on this amazing song! I NEVER thought that would happen! WOW!
I did not like the whoa-oh-oh at first, it has grown on me a bit, but I really like the rest of the song. I think this is destined to be the "epic" on the tour .. though I would prefer Empire
Initial impression was not good. After repeat listens, hands down 1 of the 3 best along with the opener & TBOS. And imho, ranks up there with the best ever.
The initial listen, I hated the wooo's. But, after repeat listens, it's not as annoying as it seemed initially.
I have a hard time understanding Bruce here. Nearly not a single lyric I can't make out
Fantastic song. Rich with fantastic riffs and solos. I can't understand why people find it to sound unfinished or rushed. Have no idea what the lyrics are about. They are intriguing but are a perfect example of how Steve's preoccupations with life / death / second chances have him stuck in a rut.
Oh, my God, what a boooring, embarassing, dreadful song, this is. A serious candidate for one of Maiden's very worst compositions, surely Steve's worst epic ever. Sadly, Bruce sounds like crap here and everything else is just so bland. I cannot believe this. I have no urge to listen to this song ever again and I pray to the Gods that they don't play it live.
What I like about this song is that apart from the bass intro/outro and the "whoooa" part, nothing is repeated in different sections of the song (although different riffs are reprised as backing for the guitar solos, which is cool). Once the vocals start after 1:28, every new part of the song has a new vocal melody. Also, several of the vocal melodies are introduced by a guitar before the vocals enter. Also cool.
I had it open, but brain did not make the connection! I frequently make errors and catch them after posting, missed this. Thanks!Wrong songwriting credits for Die With Your Boots On. It's Smith/Dickinson/Harris.
Aside from the video, there's one more semi-subconscious reason that some people might think this song is satire. It's in a major key (G major), and most people, through years of unconscious condition, interpret major-key songs as sounding happy (or at least happier than minor-key songs). If you look at most of Maiden's other war songs (e.g. "Afraid To Shoot Strangers" or "Paschendale"), the music is both in minor keys and much more intricate, giving an impression of seriousness to those songs that "Run To The Hills" lacks.
I have pretty much tired of this song a while ago, especially when it's all most people know when I mention I like Maiden. As well, it was fun back then.
Catchy tune, great lyrics but it's one of Maiden's weakest and never worked that well live and Bruce's singing on this one live can get annoying, specially on the chorus.
Great lyrics, great solo, the intro annoys me sometimes but otherwise is pretty strong. Apart from that I'm not so keen.
It's not that great to begin with, and it really has been overplayed, so anything I ever liked about it has melted down and disappeared. There are much better songs on NOTB which should get the kind of recognition RTTH has gotten.
Maiden's most well known song, even most non Maiden fans know this one. I like it, it's got a signature drum beat and is as catchy as the flu in an airport toilet in winter.
One of the very best gallops, it really sounds like what it describes. Amazing vocals, outrageous guitar and bass playing, perfect lyrics. The fact that we've all heard it a million times doesn't detract from the quality of this tune.
Their most well known song. I know people who aren't even into metal that likes this one. It's simple, accessible, catchy but far from being their best. My fav part is the buildup to the last chorus, it's great, especially live.
This song is an absolute masterpiece. I understand some people may be tired of it but the reason they are is because it's such a popular tune in the first place. I genuinely cannot see a thing out of place in this song and it has more than stood the test of time. The drum intro is perfect, the gallop is perfect, the chorus is killer and the solo is great.
Another I initially disliked quite a bit, Run to the Hills would almost be hilarious if it wasn’t so freakin’ catchy. Who are these British folks in spandex and why are they singing about raping Indians?! It’s an iconic song, but overplayed for sure. Nevertheless, the chorus is gigantic (probably the biggest in Maiden’s history) and Clive drums his ass off. Murray’s solo and Bruce’s wails during the bridge are fantastic.
TRatB is only so low because haters gave it 1s and 2s in the ratings. It's okay if someone doesn't like it, but then realistically they should have given it 6s or maybe 5s. Oh well. It was definitely a highlight of the 2016 tour.
TRatB is only so low because haters gave it 1s and 2s in the ratings. It's okay if someone doesn't like it, but then realistically they should have given it 6s or maybe 5s. Oh well. It was definitely a highlight of the 2016 tour.
You know what? The tie between Run To the Hills and TRATB makes sense. Both are good songs and represent opposite extremes of the band, while not representing either of their respective styles in the best way possible. There are so many short rockers that are better than Run To the Hills, and so many epics that are better than TRATB. They're also placed appropriately with that in mind. I don't really see TRATB going anywhere in the future, definitely not any higher. I think it will only become a more polarizing tune after it has marinated more and other Maiden songs have been recorded (especially if Steve does another epic of that magnitude on the next album, and I think he will).
I was about to comment that TRATB was raised too low, until I say Run To The Hills, so I'm gonna go with that.
Considering its score hasn't wavered that much, I really don't think so. I think this is the appropriate, actual opinion of Maidenfans from the last 14 years or so.Could this be an instance of what have you done for me lately?