Ancient Mariner
I don't know, maybe the Chinese gov't put pressure on them to submit the songs before announcing the gigs. I'm sure the Maiden camp are not too happy about it, but it may be the only viable way for them to ensure the gigs can go on sale.So we're inferring from a comment that Nicko has dropped that Bruce "said in December he knows the setlist"? Did Bruce say he knows the setlist in December or not? Other than this, of course it makes sense that they all know the songs they're going to run through before they all get together.
So why would they submit it? And if they had to, & it changes (after rehearsal), what then? They play something else & hope the Chinese don't notice before the second gig?
At least this way, if the set does end up changing a bit if worst comes to worst they'd only have to drop a couple tunes in China or swap them out. Better than pulling a Megadeth- playing mostly instrumentals and then calling it quits after less than an hour.