The Legend of the CHEESEVIVÖR - INCORRUPTIBLE BATTALION BATTLES 5&6 (Updated 06.12.20)

Wolfpakk easily takes the first round. Cheesier and awful. I'm still of the opinion that Beast in Black are too solid to be included in this game. Sure, they're cheesy, but it's like including Sabaton or (their previous band) Battle Beast in the game.

I can't believe I'm the only vote for Deep Sun. It's so cliched, so terrible yet actually well-produced...those vocals are simply atrocious. I get it, Wind Rose love dwarves, but I'm still shocked I stand alone here. Wind Rose is certainly a worth winner at least.
Wind Rose have still got to take on Russian Geek Elrond and Bloody Face McWhispers
Beast In Black is solid, although I'd appreciate some less screaming in that song. Wolfpakk is intolerably bad, couldn't make it to the end. Ban those singers from singing. I didn't even finish the song.

I don't care much for Diggy Diggy Hole so no bias there. This song is fine. As for Deep Sun, I made it to the first chorus. Tarja clone is awful.

Blazon Stone - Dance of the Dead
Always willing to expand their horizon, our Italian heroes from the HMS Kasparek choose not to sing about pirates for a change but... the Black Plague, a topic I'm sure no Italian power metal ever had a song about.

Lonewolf - Manilla Shark
The CHEESVIVÖR is always in the loop and brings you Lonewolf's brand new single (as in, released yesterday) - be among the first 150 to devour this fresh piece of French Grave Digger imitation. The ways of Cheese are confusing sometimes.


Skull & Bones (Naufragant) - Long John Silver
The Legends never dies, my arse. You know what we do with this kind of scum around here at Maidenfans.

Silverbones - Wild Waves
Historically, most pirates did not come from Italy, but were unemployed sailors from European navies after the War of Spanish Succession, I have no clue why we're being spammed by Italian pirate metal bands so much.
Yay plague metal...just what we need in 2020. Lonewolf's hot new single would be pretty decent if it wasn't for those vocals. How people can complain about growls when there are such appalling 'clean' vocals out there is beyond me. Still, I can otherwise stomach the song musically.

The second two are so generic. Silverbones were more fun to listen to, so I'll go for them.
I bet all members of Blazon Stone are dusting of their Running Wild shrine every night, their music is 100% Running Wild worship.
But what can you expect with such a bandname and imagery anyway. :)
The singer of Lonewolf sounds like he just ate some coarse sandpaper. They should start a Grave Digger coverband.

Skull & Bones woo-ooh-oooh! Music isn't bad but pretty average singer tbh.
Oh here's another Running Wild wor-ship (bad pun, I know) with Silverbones. I liked this alot more than S&B.
I like cheese. And voting. So why not participate? :)

The Blazon Stone video was fascinating. However, I think Lonewolf was cheesier. Maybe because of the singing style.

Pirates sound like a very cheesy subject. Skull&Bones had the right kind of accent, also sang out of key right at the end. But Silverbones won this match as a whole. Something about the melody, I think.
Y’all, this Lonewolf band is sooooooo bad. Music if fine, but the vocals are beyond cheese. They are also paying tribute to a third tier power metal legend, so they get extra cheese points. Blazon Stone left me with zero impressions.

Silverbones are playing in classical cheese scales with classical cheese vocals. Skull & Bones just have an atrocious singer. I can’t get this to shut off bold. I hate foruming from my phone. Anyway, I voted for Silverbones.
Blazon Stone song is fine. Lonewolf has the worst vocals ever.

Skull & Bones is just bad. So fucking generic and boring and repetitive and the vocals are horrible. Just an all around fail. Silverbones isn't particularly good either, but definitely isn't as bad as its opponent.