The Future Past Tour 2024

I saw Maiden for the first time in 2017, seven years passed by really fast. I remember being astonished during the middle section of The Red and the Black.
Oh yeah, I get that. In 17 days it'll be 25 years after my first maiden Gig.
Bruce and Adrian were back and I'll never forget the atmosphere and the gigantic roar from the crowd when Aces High kicked in.

That's a core memory for sure. I really need a time machine
Bruce is sounding about as good as he was a decade ago.

Sadly it sounds like this is Nicko’s last tour. Unless they want to run tracks and he can just try to keep the beat along with them for show.
Bruce is sounding about as good as he was a decade ago.

Sadly it sounds like this is Nicko’s last tour. Unless they want to run tracks and he can just try to keep the beat along with them for show.
Nicko is playing better. He is at the level of late June last year off the bat, which is a great sign. And that's after 13 months of not being on the road. Early gigs last year were borderline "WTF?" with so many fuckups, but it all made sense in the end. This year is already much, much better.

As I said before, we should wait for Japanese shows before drawing conclusions. The band is always rusty for the first few.
Bruce is sounding about as good as he was a decade ago.

Sadly it sounds like this is Nicko’s last tour. Unless they want to run tracks and he can just try to keep the beat along with them for show.

I think all in all Bruce sounded great, especially because many singers need a few shows to reach their best level.

But backing tracks? I always had the impression that Iron Maiden is a band that rejects that.
I think all in all Bruce sounded great, especially because many singers need a few shows to reach their best level.

But backing tracks? I always had the impression that Iron Maiden is a band that rejects that.
Iron Maiden is the last band to resort to backing tracks. They will retire before using them.
Yeah, I don't get this - Bruce is really great for his age (and he's 66) and really good overall (there are younger singers who struggle live much more, IMHO), but he's had a long and eventful career and his vocal parts are highly demanding - there has been a decline and yet further one will come. Singing - the power type, whether it's opera or power metal; if you're a croaky singer-songwriter, that's something else - is an extremely physical thing, you wouldn't expect an athlete to kill it in his seventies. Even Dio, who was really one of a kind and extremely consistent as rock and metal singers go, got old eventually

(mind you, that's still better than many singers who haven't had 50 years worth of career, but that's Dio for you)

The fact that Bruce can consistently put on the show and the performance as he does is a miracle, really. And I'd even say that I like his voice more as he gets older, when he doesn't strain himself too much, his voice now has a darker, more broken quality that gives off more of character and actually gets him closer to ... well... I wrote this four years ago in the Best Band thread

That's why - despite him being a much worse singer technically - I actually prefer Blaze. His "veiled", sometimes even broken vocals are nonetheless much more pleasing to me ear and he gives me these vibes of being a much humbler guy. Let me tell you a story to chill the bones? I'm much more willing to sit down and hear his tale, if you please. Bruce is more of a very talented jester who will bend over backwards to get your attention (and saying "fuck you, you wanker" if you're not interested, at least in concert :D ), Blaze is like the guy sitting in the back of the pub, smoking a pipe with a thousand yard stare.

and there's something to the older Bruce that I vibe with a lot, despite the pure technical performance isn't as stellar as it used to be.
Mind you, I'm not saying that he sounds genuinely bad (though some of the straining can be somewhat painful to listen to). I'm just surprised at the "hasn't sounded this good in a decade" posts. Not trying to take anything away from anyone, just a bit confused.
Bruce peak was somewhere around Rock in Rio / Dance of Death. Now? He doesn't sound bad and has some brilliant moments + his charisma is working on 120% sometimes but 2001 Bruce (or 2010) would blow Bruce 2024 out of the water every day of the week.

However then again - decade ago we had BoS tour (almost). And I must say that he does sound better now but is this real surprise? Then he was weeks after chemo therapy.