The Future Past Tour 2024

If we are honest even if I have Iron Maiden in my blood it is true that they sound old now we no longer hide it. This music is so demanding that they will not be able to last like the Rolling Stone. I really hope they won't do the tour too much. Why not take more time to put down an album with a top production to simply say goodbye to the fans. They gave enough to the music.
Personally, the only reason why they sound old is quite frankly Nicko. They're all performing particularly well.

But, it's the drumming that is letting the performances down. The drum lines are simplified, timing is off, and the intensity isn't there anymore. Making the gigs sound really thin and lacklustre . If they want to keep touring for a little longer, Nicko should bow out gracefully, and for the band to get Joe Lazarus or someone to replace him. He doesn't need to prove anything anymore.
I agree. If Nicko were to step down after this tour they can probably squeeze out a few more tours. Steve and the guitarists sound fine, Bruce has good nights and bad nights but overall he sings about as well as you could reasonably expect from someone his age.

The problem is that I suspect there are people in the band who are ready to retire and Nicko is sticking around with the understanding that there is a definite end point to Maiden's touring career and he wants to be at the last show. If their future was more open ended, I suspect Nicko would have left the band by now.

On the other hand, there is clearly going to be at least one more mega nostalgia tour. Frankly I can't see Nicko hanging on even into 2025 at this rate. So I guess I'm ambivalent about it.
Personally, the only reason why they sound old is quite frankly Nicko. They're all performing particularly well.

But, it's the drumming that is letting the performances down. The drum lines are simplified, timing is off, and the intensity isn't there anymore. Making the gigs sound really thin and lacklustre . If they want to keep touring for a little longer, Nicko should bow out gracefully, and for the band to get Joe Lazarus or someone to replace him. He doesn't need to prove anything anymore.
I agree with you, but I don't want anybody replacing Nicko. If Nicko decides to step down. That's it. It's the end of Maiden touring. Focus in making new music. Because I'm sure nobody in the band wants to replace Nicko or they would feel comfortable performing without him on stage.
I have to add some annoying thing about Nicko's drumming and that is the sound of the drums. Personally I don't like it since 1992. The low sound echo of the bass drums and cymbals…oh man! I hate that sound and it's the reason I don't like to see videos on YouTube from gigs or whole concerts.
If we are honest even if I have Iron Maiden in my blood it is true that they sound old now we no longer hide it. This music is so demanding that they will not be able to last like the Rolling Stone. I really hope they won't do the tour too much. Why not take more time to put down an album with a top production to simply say goodbye to the fans. They gave enough to the music.
They were doing well before the stroke. This shit hit nickos hard. His right arm is weak now. We can barely hear him when he hits the hi-hat with his right hand.
…The problem is that I suspect there are people in the band who are ready to retire and Nicko is sticking around with the understanding that there is a definite end point to Maiden's touring career and he wants to be at the last show. If their future was more open ended, I suspect Nicko would have left the band by now.

I could see it that way if he only had to hold out for as long as this tour takes.
But there would be at least two more tours in 2025 and 26!
I agree with you, but I don't want anybody replacing Nicko. If Nicko decides to step down. That's it. It's the end of Maiden touring. Focus in making new music. Because I'm sure nobody in the band wants to replace Nicko or they would feel comfortable performing without him on stage.
100% To be fair, the whole band has nothing to prove after this tour. Sure I will see them again but I feel they have earned their retirement. Especially Nicko!
Personally, the only reason why they sound old is quite frankly Nicko. They're all performing particularly well.
But, it's the drumming that is letting the performances down. The drum lines are simplified, timing is off, and the intensity isn't there anymore.
This. It's really unfortunate. And we as Maiden fans were used to quality performances, always. It's tough. Ofc age plays a role, but in 2022 everything was fine in terms of performances, although the set was ''easier'' for Nicko. Some songs sound off now, but the overall performance is not that bad.
I think because of what happened to him, Maiden are not in a hurry to record a new album, like they usually would have done (there's still plenty of time though). Plus they like touring more, more than ever now. Also, remember Steve mentioned the idea of semi-retirement and still releasing new music. I'm not sure at all, but I really hope his performances on a potential new album will be as solid as they are on SJ.
I agree. If Nicko were to step down after this tour they can probably squeeze out a few more tours. Steve and the guitarists sound fine, Bruce has good nights and bad nights but overall he sings about as well as you could reasonably expect from someone his age.
The problem is that I suspect there are people in the band who are ready to retire and Nicko is sticking around with the understanding that there is a definite end point to Maiden's touring career and he wants to be at the last show. If their future was more open ended, I suspect Nicko would have left the band by now.
On the other hand, there is clearly going to be at least one more mega nostalgia tour. Frankly I can't see Nicko hanging on even into 2025 at this rate. So I guess I'm ambivalent about it.
You may be onto something about their future, but I guess the next 2 years are already booked with the new tour. Bruce said they have plans until then, so after that who knows what they'll do. They earned everything and has nothing to prove (especially Nicko), but they have said many times in the past that they are like family and won't replace anyone. Especially now. It was a different case with a guitarist (remember what Steve said about Richie Faulkner). Nicko has said in the past that if he no longer can drive the band (which is not quite the case now), he wants the band to continue with another drummer. With a new drummer the band will sound better live, but as much as I love Maiden, I don't want them to replace anyone - and I doubt they want that either. I feel with the right amount of dates and breaks and with the right songs, it's going to be tough, but he can complete the next tour. He has to be part of the 50 years celebration, although the tour's theme could be different.
...they are ridiculed for going on too long. I don’t want that to happen to Maiden.

I don't agree with that. The people who ridicule the Stones generally just have prejudices, ageism.
We shouldn't give in to that.
They say things like: At Mick Jagger's age you shouldn't be dancing, you shouldn't be on a stage.
But why? Many 20-year-olds can't dance, don't have a talent, but they should dance, they should be on stage, just because of their age?

I think the only criterion should be: can you (still) do it or not.
Don't get carried away with the sound on Youtube videos.

While I agree Nicko's sound didn't hit as hard as other shows (I recall the AMOLAD shows in 2006 for example, Nicko and his drum sound was the star of the show), the Australia shows were still excellent.

Rod was present at the second Sydney show for sure, because I snapped a photo of him! Didn't see him at Perth, he may have been there too. I'm sure Rod keeps watch over the quality of what maiden offers live.

Overall, the band sounded fine to me last week. For Nicko to last into 2025 - 26, we will have to see.